The Reborn

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Authors note---------- Thank you guys so much!! I have a bit over 80 reads!! I only joined about 4-5 days ago, and I already have 102 followers!!!!! I'm so spoiled by you guys!! ^^ Make sure to comment what you think, and give me a Follow!!!----------------


"Where the hell am I?" I think. I can't see anything, this box is small, cramped. I lift up my hands to see if there is an opening to this thing.

"And what is that damn music?" I say. 

My slender arms easily open the hatch above me. It's honestly not even a hatch, just the top of the box. It's light there must be nothing on top of it.

The room outside the box is still dark, but I can make out shapes and figures. This seems like a small shop. No, wait.. What are these posters on the walls....I see Freddy...Bonnie....Chica..? And a character I don't recognize. They look a bit different though. More like...ventriloquists dummies? Their circle red cheeks, and great big smiles reminded me of... Me. The mask. The puppet mask.. I look down at my hands. They're slender, black, and pointed like claws. 

"What is this?!" I gasp in horror.

I look down at my body, it's black and white, skinny, a true puppet. I burn with rage. This is not what I wanted! What the hell? What am I? Where am I? Why is this happening?! The music has stopped. My anger grows and grows. I slink out of the room. The tile floor only reminds me of..That.Place. 

I stay hidden and got towards the noises. It sounds like alarms... The shadows are my allies. They hide my lean body. The tile clicks under my feet. I break into a run until I come to a hallway, I see something. A figure, animal maybe. I creep closely and realize, it's Foxy. A bright light flashes through the hallway. It seems to affect Foxy,he shields his eyes, and twitches a little. He's really torn up.  His endoskeleton, and wires show.

But that wasn't important at the moment.  I continue lurking down the hallway. I see an office. It's very plain, a desk, with a phone, flashlight, and a small collection of magazines and figurines. All that matters to me is the guard at the desk. He's dressed in purple.

* (This is the normal uniform for the guards it is not Vincent)*

I lunge at him. Did he kill her? Did he cause this? I didn't care if it was him or not he had to die. I tackled him and had my long black fingers around his neck. A bigger smile spreads among my face. 

His eyes widen with fear, his face turning red from the loss of oxygen, but I wasn't done yet. 

"Your quite the problem." I whisper.

Still holding him down with one hand I lift the other above his chest, and tear his shirt where his heart is. I plunge my pointed fingers into his chest and grab hold of his heart. A sensation of madness spreads through me. I have been wronged to many times. Someone.Has.To.PAY. 

I rip his heart from his chest. Blood gushes everywhere and is splattered all over my face. The guard's eyes go dark, and his body limp and lifeless. I squeeze the heart in my hand until it bursts in a small explosion of blood and flesh. I feel satisfied. I smile, get up and walk to the entrance to the hallway, allow myself to go limp leaving a trial of blood in my wake. 

Authors Note------- Yes this one was very gory! Weren't expecting that one were you? If you don't like how things turned out make sure to send me a message, if many people are upset with this I will most likely change it! And yes I know the way the normal animatronic murders are caused by being stuffed in a suit, but the puppet isn't a normal animatronic, is he?

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