Ch. 1

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Lea: Hey Kylie, what you doing?

Kylie: Nothing really, just doing some class work.

Classmate: Instead of doing class work how about we go and have some fun.

Kylie: Sorry but I rather not be disturbed so can you please go away.

Classmate: Oh um sure, sorry for disturbing you.

James: Oh come on Kylie have some fun once in a while.

Yes I'm Kylie Louis, the top student in this academy or I guess you can say second top student. The reason why I'm second is because the first top student is James Leeward. Ever since he came I began to study more and more often. I had all the attention from students and teachers until he came. You can say James Leeward is my Life Rival.

James: Come on Kylie let's go karaoke.

Everyone stares at me with a glare.

Kylie: Fine I'll go.

James: Yay!

Kylie: Why are you so excited?

James: Because finally I get to hang out with you.

Kylie: Why do you want to know?

James: Because I want to get to know you better.

Kylie: Fine whatever.

While I walked my heart kept pounding and my face got really hot. Soon after, we arrived to the karaoke play. We rented a room and started singing, telling waiters to bring all different kinds of foods. I kept sweating in the small room so o excused myself to the bathroom. As I was in the stall I hear two girls talking.

Girl 1: What does that girl think she is?

Girl 2: You mean that Kylie girl.

Girl 1: Yes what's up with her, Lea was nice enough to invite her but she turned it down.

Girl 2: But she said yes after James asked her.

Girl 1: She's just like any other girl.

Girl 2: I hope she knows that James doesn't take anyone seriously, he plays with any girl any time.

Girl 1: Exactly, I wouldn't think James would stoop that low for a beggar like her.

I open the stall door and they look at me with a gasp as if I was a ghost, I ran out of the bathroom crying leaving towards home.

Girl 2: Oh my gosh.

Girl 1: Oh well it's her fault for trying to get near our James.

The two girls walk back to the room to party but James looks around and sees Kylie wasn't there.

James: Hey did you two see Kylie in the bathroom?

Girl 1: No.

Girl 2: When we got there, their was no one in the bathroom.

James: Oh well okay, thanks.

When I got home I rushed into my room and cried on my bed hearing my mom bang on the door loudly.

Mom: Are you okay? Do you need anything?

Kylie: No leave me alone!

I threw my pillow to the door and slept through the night. In the morning, I woke up with red puffy eyes from crying. I put on clothes and left for school. As I entered the room there were students whispering to each other as if they were talking about me.

James: Hey, why did you leave so suddenly yesterday.

Kylie: Ah, something came up.

James: Really like what?

Kylie: Nothing, you wouldn't understand.

James: What's that suppose to mean?

Kylie: Get it through your thick skull, you'll never be able to solve any of my problems that I have trouble with, okay.

James: Alright.

Classmate 1: Did you hear that? James was trying to be nice to her but she ended up being a real bitch.

Classmate 2: Tell me about it, what's her problem anyways.

Classmate 3: She should just go to hell.

After hearing the school bell ring, everyone settle in their seats. The teacher enters the class with a student behind him.

Teacher: Introduce yourself.

Boy: Hello, I'm Tyson Smith. Please take care of me.

As he finished introducing himself, all the girls cheered and kept saying he's cute, or he looks muscular, or he has a cold vibe that makes him look hot. The teacher seats him next to me, he walks towards me and smiles. All the girls looked at me with a glare as if they're saying don't touch him.

Tyson: Hi I'm Tyson, what about you?

Kylie: Kylie...

Tyson: You look like you don't speak much.

Kylie: Isn't it obvious.

Tyson laughs and stares at me with ease.

Tyson: You're pretty

Kylie: Huh?

The class bell rings and everyone leaves to lunch. I walked up the stairs to the roof and sleeps, I fell into a deep sleep but when I woke up I felt a lingering touch on my lips as if someone pressed something against my lips. The bell suddenly rings and says all classes are dismiss. I rush down the stairs grabbing my bag from the classroom, outside I hear James and Tyson talking to each other.

James: Who are you to Kylie?

Tyson: No one important really.

James: Then why did you say she has gotten a lot prettier.

Tyson: Ah, I get it. Your one of her followers.

James: What?!

Tyson: I see it's okay I won't tell anyone.

James: That's not true I don't feel anything towards that cold hearted girl.

I open the door of the class and walk out. James looks at me worriedly as if he was sorry for the words he said.

James: Kylie...

Kylie: Don't bother, it's alright you also became a nuisance in my life as well.

James: Kylie that's not what I meant.

I run out of the school crying saying I never wanna come back again. For a whole week I ended up not coming to school. When I finally came back many people started to bully me, such as throwing paper at me, spitting at, dunking a bucket of water on my head, stealing my clothes, and even trashing my locker and notebooks, even the people I trusted most wouldn't help me, but watch me suffer. Each day I come back home crying not telling my parents about my situation, late at night my parents stayed up late telling me we're moving to Sacramento, CA. I was so glad that I even cried and told them to not let me go to school the next day. It's been 10 years and I now live in Sacramento, CA. With my family Who I opened up with and with new friends and a new life to be in. Until he showed up once again.

Teacher: Alright we have a new student today, his name is James Leeward.

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