Ch. 2

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Teacher: Your seat is next to Kylie.

James: Kylie...

Kylie: Oh no, this is a big problem.

Jessica: What's wrong Kylie, Kylie?!

Teacher: What happened?

Jessica: I don't know she just fainted out of no where, I'll take her to the nurses office.

Jessica carries me on her back to the nurses office and sets me on a bed while the nurse examines.

Jessica: Is she gonna be okay?

Nurse: Other than from a lack of sleep and stress she's perfectly fine.

Jessica: Okay thank you, well then I'm gonna go back to class and I'll come back at lunch.

Nurse: Alright take your time.

After class was over Jessica rushes to the nurses office and sees me eating bread. She runs over towards me and squeezes me between her chest.

Jessica: I'm so glad your alright.

Kylie: Sorry I worried you.

Jessica: I should be mad but your just so cute~

Jessica hugs me even tighter to the point I couldn't even breath.

Jessica: Anyways are you lacking sleep.

Kylie: I guess you can say that, for the past few days I can't go to sleep peacefully. I keep getting these resuming flashbacks about my childhood.

Jessica: Your childhood, it wasn't very good am I right.

Kylie: Yea, and I guess when I saw James walk into the class I sort of fainted.

Jessica: Don't tell me.

Kylie: Yea he's the one who tortured me to the point I cried every day.

Jessica: Don't you worry, you have a friend who'll always be there for you.

Kylie: Thank you, Jessica.

I get out of the bed and walk back to our class. I see James surrounded by girls and boys in our class but I wasn't surprised because it was always like this ever since from the beginning. I sit with Jessica and we both eat chocolate cake together. James walks over to us and slams his hands on the desk.

James: You look familiar do I know you.

Jessica: Excuse me, can you get your filthy hands off my desk.

James: Who the hell are you?

Jessica: Someone you don't wanna mess with.

Classmate 1: She's the daughter of the S.M. Company's Boss. She has all the money to be able to destroy you.

Classmate 2: I've heard she almost killed a guy and got away with it because of her money.

Classmate 3: Well I've heard she got away from going to jail by seducing the people.

I look at Jessica and see tears in her eyes. I slammed my hand on the table and looked at everyone.

Kylie: Shut up!! You don't know anything about her, don't judge her because of these stupid rumors you hear or actually don't even listen to them because they're not true! And you James, just because your a new student don't expect everyone here, to be nice to you, got that!!!

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