Chapter Two

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  "Damn it," I mutter after smacking my head on the hood of the car I was working on.

  "How long do you think it will be until your done?" the lady says while looking on her phone.

  "I'll need to order a new transmission, so about a week." I say walking off.

  "WHAT!" she shouts angrily, "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO UNTIL THEN?!"

  "I don't know," a new but familiar voice says. "How bout go home and taking care of your family."

  "Who do you think you are?" the woman says pissed and I look over to see a beat up girl.

  "Someone who can make sure your life is a living hell," she growls. "He said a week and it'll take week. Now leave." The woman huffs and storms out.

  "Bitch," the girl mutters before looking at me. "Hi Travis."

  "What are you doing here?" I growl, after realizing why she looked so familiar.

  "I...I need your help," Mara sighs.

  "No," I snap walking off.

  "Travis please," she begged.

  "Mara," I growl stalking over to her. "I don't know why your here but I will not listen to you beg and act all pitiful. So you can go back to what ever rock you where hiding under and stay there."

  "Look, I deserved that." she sighed following me into my office, "I have nowhere else to go, and I'm not going to put my daughter in danger because of a stupid mistake I made. I just figured you would at least help me, I'm sorry I ever came back."

  "Why doesn't your husband or boyfriend help you?" I say confused, "And does your brother know you have a daughter?"

  "I'm not with her father, he married someone else three months ago." Mara sighed, "No, Danny does not know about Dani." She looked at me mad before storming out of the office.

  "F*ck," I mumble before chasing after her. "Marissa, stop."

  "What? Are you just going to yell at me again?" She yells spinning towards me, "Well I'm sorry I don't want to hear it. I've already had a shitty week, I don't need someone else telling how bad a mother I am, Trav..."

  She was cut off when the window of her car shattered followed by loud pops. "Shit, get down." I yelled grabbing her arm and dragging her to the ground.

  "How did they find me?" she mumbled lowly.

  "We gotta move, and you know these people?" I ask her confused.

  "Complicated," she glared over my shoulder. "And where to? We're cornered."

  "My bikes on the other side of the shop, if we get there I can get us out of here." I say looking over the top of her car, "Then your going to explain why someone is trying to kill you."

  She nodded and after the shots got quiet I shoved her towards the side of the shop. Running behind her I made sure she wouldn't get hurt since the whoever was shooting was now aiming at us. Sliding to a stop I jump on my bike and feel Mara do the same as I sped down the dirt road.

  "Your bleeding," Mara yells while touching my shoulder.

  'No kidding.' I grunt feeling the pain were the bullet hit my shoulder.

  "Where are we going?" she yelled after a while.

  "My apartment," I yelled as we got back on the road. "Then we'll figure out what to do after that." I felt her nod as she laid her head on my back.

  "You want to explain on who those men were?" I ask as she started patching up my shoulder.

  "I used to work for they're boss," she shrugged. "I'm sorry I pulled you into this, but I honestly had nowhere else to go."

  "Its fine. Tell me the whole story." I said walking over to the closet to get a clean shirt.

  "I was trying to protect Danny," she sighed. "You remember when Carl was killed?"

  "Yeah," I said sitting down in front of her.

  "I watched him get killed, but I was threatened. If I told anyone Danny would die, so I left. Then I met Zane and had Dani, but the man that killed Carl found and blackmailed me into working for him. I worked for him for five years until his girlfriend left. I hunted her down when I realized he was going to kill her to get his son. I helped take in down but now his cousin is trying to kill me."

  "Why do you think this is his cousin?" I ask holding her hand.

  "The text and notes I've been getting for two weeks now." she sighed looking up at me, "And the fact that he ran me off the road."

  "That's why you look like hell." I chuckle.

  "Shut up," she sighed. "I'm scared to go to the police even though Zane is friends with the sheriff. But I don't want to run and abandon my daughter again, especially when she's just now starting to trust me again."

  "We'll figure it out." I promised her, "But you do exactly what I tell you, ok"

  "Yes," I smiled hugging me. "I promise, that you so much Trav..."

  "Michaels, Open up." someone yelled banging on the door.

  I mouthed at Mara 'Stay here' I walked over to the door and looked through the peek hole and noticed my neighbor and another male standing on the other side.

  "We gotta go now," I whispered to Mara as I walked back over to her. "Go through the window, I have to grab something." she nodded and went through the window and I hurried over to my bed.

  Grabbing what I needed I hurried over to the window and just as I jumped out the window the door burst open.

  "Come on," I muttered to Mara as we hurried away from the building.

  "What's the plan now?" she asked as I pulled her into a dress shop.

  "Hello my name is Gina, can I..." a bubbly blonde haired girl said before I cut her off.

  "I need to speak with Cindy," I growled dragging Mara behind me and the blonde chick complaining.

  "Hey, you can't jus...Travis, what are you doing here?" Cindy said confused when she realized who had burst into her office.

  "I need the jeep," I snapped.

  "What's going on? You only use the Jeep if somethings wrong." Cindy asked handing me the keys.

  "Can't explain," I growled. "If anyone asks if you've see us, you haven't. Let's go Mara." I dragged Mara out the back of the shop and tossed her in the jeep.


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