Always Had A Thing For Bad Boys [A Draco Malfoy Love Story] (4)

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Chapter Four:

"Your a worthless, piece of-"

"Enough Malfoy" Harry interupted him.  I looked up at Harry.  Tears were already in my eyes but he added to them.  Harry was standing up for me...even though I had been such a jerk to him.

"Who do you think you are Potter?" Malfoy sneered.

"Her boyfriend.  Now if you don't mind I would like to have a word with her" Harry said rudely to Malfoy.  Harry called me his girlfreind...maybe he did still care...

Harry brought me over to the side of the cafeteria.  Everyone was so busy in their own conversations that they hardly notcied me and Harry.

"Harry you didn't have to do that.  I could have just sucked it up" I said wiping away my tears.  Harry took my hand.  I sniffled. 

"Sam...." Harry started.

"Don't finish that.  I'm sorry.  I really am. I am so sorry and if you could forgive me" I started to ramble.

"Sam I think we should just be freinds" Harry said. I stared at him for a moment.  My heart shattered into a million pieces.  I'm starting to like the word maybe I little bit more.

"I...I understand" I said.  I was grateful that my voice hadn't failed me.  Harry nodded.  He let go of my hand and walked back to the Gryffandor table.  While I on the other hand sat back next to Malfoy hearing him scream his head off at me.  It didn't matter.  Everything felt numb.  Like I had been frozen for years and finally re-heated.  I couldn't think.  I couldn't talk.  I could barely even look at someone long enough before staring off into space. 

"Your a peasant!  You'll see!  My father can have you father broke within an hour!" Malfoy shouted.  I tuned back out.  The food appeared but I wasn't hungry.  I wasn't tired.  I wasn't hungry.  I wasn't thirsty. I wasn't anything.

And I probably never will be.

*     *     *

~Friday (Free Period)~

I sat on my bed.  I stared at the wall for what seemed like hours.  No one bothered me.  Good.  Last thing I needed was some Slytherin to make things worse.  Life seemed awful.  I hadn't heard from my parents....I mean.....parent....since I told them I was in Slytherin.  Maybe they hated me too.  Just like Harry.  Maybe they didn't.  Maybe Harry did still like me.  Maybe he didn't.  Maybe Ron did like me.  Maybe he didn't.


It's a deadly word.

*     *     *


I sat on the bed.  I hadn't bothered going down to breakfast.  I wasn't hungry.  I hadn't eaten in days.  I know I might be overreacting's very hard to explain.  When I first met Harry it was like love at first sight.  When he bought me that chocolate frog it reminded me of the first time mom and dad met.  They always used to tell me that story when I was a little girl.  Dad was on his way to the trolly when he met mum.  Dad offered to buy her a sweet but she turned him down.  Eventually he bought her a chocolate frog, oh the irony, and they isntantly fell in love.  Where's my prince charming?  Where's my love story?  Down the freaking bloody toilet.

And that's where it's staying.

*     *     *

~Later on that day~

I finally decided to leave my room.  I hadn't been out in a few days other than to go to class.  The fresh air made me feel good.  Now all I have to do is avoid any contact with Harry and I think I'll be good...

"Oy Sam.  Haven't seen you 'round" Ron said.

"Oh hey Ron" I said.

"What's up?" Ron asked concerndly.

"Nothing just...feeling a bit under the weather.  That's all" I lied.

"Oh well when I'm feeling sick mum always makes me some soup.  If you want I could ask her to make you some?" Ron offered.  I smiled at his generosity.

"Thank you Ron but I think I'm fine" I said nicely.  I walked down the hallway into the dining area.  It was time for lunch.  Hey perfect timing. I quietly sat down at the edge of the table and prayed no one would notice me.  Please.  Please have me go unnoticed.  Just for this one mealtime.  Please.  I'm begging you.

"Johnson" Malfoy spat.

Wow thanks.  Your a huge help.

I ignored him and continued to stare at the table.

"You've been like this for days.  Potter can't really have done this to you?" Malfoy asked.

I ignored him.

"At least say something.  An insult.  A phrase.  A word.  Something"


"When was the last time you've eaten?  You look deathly thin" Malfoy said shoving food towards me.

Good.  I should die.  Then I get to be with my mum.  And away from Harry. Besides why should he care?

"Sam" Malfoy said sterningly.  Woah.  He used my first name.  Draco Malfoy, for the first time in his life, used my name.

My head slowly turned towards his.  You could tell I looked exausted.  I didn't care at this point.

"Pull yourself together.  Potter isn't worth all of this.  He's nothing.  Nothing but a stupid wizard.  Any guy would have been lucky to have you and never have let you go" Malfoy said.

"You shouldn't show Potter how much he hurt you.  You broke up.  Big deal.  Things like this happen.  Just think about it like this.  If one door closes, another is bound to open soon."

His words actually made me feel better.  Not a whole lot better but better than I was before.

"Thanks" I whisperd.

"You spoke!!" Malfoy said.  Why was he being nice to me all of a sudden?  Maybe I should ask him that.  Ugh.  There's that word again.

"Why are you being so nice?  I thought you hated me?" I asked.

"I do so don't expect this that offen" Malfoy said looking away.  I was still in shock that he used my first name.

"Well thank you" I said.  It felt weird saying thank you to my worst enemy.  But hey, things can change.


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