Always Had A Thing For Bad Boys [A Draco Malfoy Love Story] (9)

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Yay!!! Chapter nine!!!!!!  I hope u guys enjoy this!!!!  I know draco was a prat (in the story XD ) but he might redeem himself.  MIGHT. you'll see.  :P hope u checked out my images.  weren't they cool? anyway hope u enjoy the story :)

Chapter Nine: (YAY)

**Sam's POV**

Life sucks.

Life really sucks.

Life really really sucks.

Harry was gone.  Again.  Malfoy wasn't my friend.  Again.  I was crying on my bed.  Again.  Snape was my father. He never was my father so I guess I can't really say again.  Imagine.  Snape.  Being my dad.  Unbelievable. It seriously was.  I couldn't believe it.  And yet the evidence was right there in front of me. Snape was my father. I sighed.  The tears started to subside.  My breathing quieted too.  I didn't know what to do now.  My mum would know what to say.

My mum....

My impulses acted before I did.  I grabbed my broom.  Second years were aloud to have them. Luckily last year I didn't get in trouble.  This year I might.  Who cares.  I decided where to go.  Maybe the Womping Willow.  Or perhaps the Frobidden Forest.  Maybe the lake?  Yes.  No one will find me there. I flew over to it.  It was another cold day.  The wind went through my hair.  My cheeks felt frozen.  Soon I wasn't going to feel anything at all.

I hovered over the lake.  The sun was barely risen.  The lake sparkled with morning sun. It looked beautiful. I flew a little closer down. Ready?


Too late.

I jumped off of the broom.  If my mom died and everything else turned out to be crap I might as well be with the one person I love. I crossed my arms over my chest and kept my legs together. The cold water enveloped around me.  It was freezing cold.  Almost at its freezing point.  Good.  I'll freeze to death.  My lungs burned.  Everything else was so numb.  The water around me was dark.  Who knew what could be lurking down here?

My hair floated around me. I had really long hair.  I shut my eyes tightly.  The air was escaping from my burning lungs.  I was starting to feel drowsy.  I didn't resist.  I aloud myself to slip into unconcsiousness.  Maybe when I wake up my mom will be there.  Waiting for me.  With arms open.  The last thing I remember before I let the rest of the air escape my mouth was a hand reaching down.  I tried to move away from it but in my groggy state it didn't work.  Then everything went dark.

*     *     *

All I could see was darkness.  There was on sound.  There was nothing here.  Just an empty waste land.  I walked furthur.  I wasn't even sure where I was going.  Something told me to go this way though.  So I did.

A walked into a room.  It was very very bright.  Is this the white light?  You know the expression. 

Don't go towards the light!!

Well was this it?  The light?  It sure as heck was bright.

"Sam" It came out as only a whisper.  I looked around.  No one seemed to be here.

"Sam" It was a little bit louder. 

"Hello?" I asked. I wandered around the room.  I had to squint.

"Sam" The voice begged. They sounded sad.  I wanted to comfort them. 

"Yes!!  Yes I'm here!  Where are you?!" I shouted.

"Sam" The voice sobbed.

It was like they couldn't hear me.

"Hello!!  Please hear me!" I said upset.

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