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Monday morning

Andy was in the tour bus with the others sitting on the couch. He couldn't get that fan out of his mind. He felt somewhat attached to her, like he needed to help her. But how could he help her if he didn't know who she was or where she is?
Ashley was laying on the floor relaxing. Apparently, sometime last night he decided he'll roll out of his bunk and fall into the floor on his back, so now his back was sore.
Jinxx came and sat beside andy, knowing something was going through his mind. "What's up Andy?" jinxx asked, Andy shrugged his shoulders, still thinking. "Nothing really, just sitting around."
Jinxx gave him a look. "I know you're thinking about something, so what's on your mind?" jinxx said, Andy sighed "after the concert, I was talking to some fans, and this girl walked up and asked for a picture. We were chatting, and I felt like I knew her for years. Some fan ran past her, and almost knocked her down, and she would've fallen on the concrete if I didn't grab her arm. And when I did, I pulled up her sleeve and that's when I saw her scars. I told her everything was going to be ok, she didn't say anything, she just ran away. Now I feel like I gotta find her." Andy explained, jinxx nodded and Ashley looked at Andy and jinxx.
"Well lets go find this girl!" Ashley said, he jumped up too fast and groaned in pain, everyone laughed. "How would we find her if we don't know her name or anything?" Jake asked entering the room, he was eating a slice of pizza and holding a can of Dr.pepper.
Jinxx shrugged. "What did she look like Andy?" Andy thought for a moment "I  remember  What she looks like, if I see her again I could tell if it was her or not." Ashley clapped "good now Jake go wake up CC, and I'll get my sore ass up and we'll go searching." Jake rolled his eyes and walked off to the bunk area, he pulled back CC's curtain and saw him drooling on his pillow. Jake made a disgusted face. "CC is drooling!" Jake and the guys laughed and that's when Jake started to shake CC. CC's eyes opened tiredly, and when he saw Jake he was angry. "What do you want?" CC groaned. "Get up, we got to get moving. Its already ten anyways, you lazy bum!" Jake said, CC groaned and climbed out of the bunk.....


Angelina just wanted to go home, she arrives at school and had to tear all of the papers off her locker before opening it. The same papers that were always on her locker. It embarrassed her to see all these pieces of paper on her locker, she felt like crawling in a hole and just staying  there forever. And as she ripped them off her locker, she realized one of them was her sister's handwriting. That hurt her.. Angelina opened her locker and grabbed her math book and headed off towards class, ignoring the students who laughed at her and and called her names. Before she reached class, Ryan stuck his foot out and tripped her, the students started to laugh as she fell to the floor, Angelina was embarrassed and helpless, she picked up her stuff and got into her seat before the teacher arrives. She felt somewhat safe when a teacher was near, but not as safe as she should feel. The rest of the day Angelina was tripped, her books were thrown, she spent the day alone. So when she was walking home, she was relieved that school was over. But when she wondered if Ryan would be at the house with her sister, at that point she didn't want to go home. But she knew she should. Angelina opened the door, and heard her parents arguing with her sister. Angelina closed the door quietly, so she can go upstairs and pretend she's not even here. But her father heard the door close. "Angelina jenkins! Get in here!" her father roared angrily. Angelina took a deep breath and slowly entered the living room. Seeing Lorena sitting on the couch beside Ryan with a big smile, and seeing her parents standing up angrily. "Yeah?" Angelina said. " what's this crap about you cutting?!" her father hissed, Angelina looked at her sister and she smiled big. Ryan looked like he was about to laugh. Angelina swallowed hard and looked at her father. "I'm not." Angelina lied.
"Don't you lie to me angelina!" her father hissed, stepping forward, he came up to Angelina and she could smell the alcohol on his breath. Her mother walked away angrily, and Lorena and Ryan got upstairs to lorenas bedroom . "you better enjoy that bedroom as much as you can, because that's where you're going to stay! Your only allowed out, for school and dinner, besides that I don't want you leaving that bedroom. No more Black Veil Brides, no more internet, no more movies! No more nothing!" her father yelled in her face. Angelina nodded slowly. "Now go upstairs! You damn disappointment!" Angelina nodded and grabbed her book bag and ran upstairs, she ran into her bedroom and closed the bedroom door. She turned around and ran to her bed, she laid on the bed and started to cry into the pillow...

Awake at night you focus on everyone who's hurt you then write a list of target's your violent lack of virtue ~ Andy biersack
I'm going to have the next chapter out before the end of this week so probably like Monday or Tuesday

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