Chapter 1

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Taehyung woke up from his deep dream. It was normal for him to suddenly wake up in the middle of a night, since he had problems with sleeping. It doesn't matter how much he tried, it doesn't work. He always gets those nightmares he can't avoid. "Shit, not again," he checked his phone, 3:35am again.Taehyung took a deep breath and got up while grabbing his phone with headphones. He put on his black hoodie then shoes when he heard a noise coming from the room beside his (his dads room) he put on his headphones and rushed to the door, ran down the stairs avoiding all the screaming and shouting. When he finally reached the exit he slammed the door after him and ran faster and faster until the view of his dads house disappeared completely.

The atmosphere around him felt different. He could feel the freedom, the fresh air that hit his face. Taiyuan didn't notice when he actually ran, he just needed to get away from the devils house. He looked around, there's a park nearby. It didn't take his long to arive at the park, suddenly when he got there he saw a shadow following behind him, he could feel the breathing and the person's footsteps behind him.

Taehyung's pov

I have no time for people to follow be about.

Without thinking of the consequences i stopped and turned around, but when I took a look around there was nothing but a dog without an owner. It was just a dog. Just a dog. When I took a step forward something had bumped into me making me fall down on the floor made me growl in pain

"Ugh... What was that for?" making the throbbing goes away, I rubbed my chest.

"I.. I'm sorry I couldn't see you" someone with a gentle yet very quiet voice replied. Next all I see is a hand reaching for mine to help me up. I grabbed on to the hand and got up, a pair of eyes was looking at me making me uncomfortable so I looked at the person. It was a boy, he looks about 18. He looks really cuddly and cute, especially the way his hair is styled and holy shit his eyes. It's like looking at a mythical creature. His eyes are chocolate brown with a hint of sparkle. I shook my head and I realized that he we're still holding hands so I quickly took my hand away while blushing like an idiot. Hoping he didn't see my face I looked away to look at the sky.

And then he spoke.

Jimin's pov

The sound of Max barking hit my ears. Max is the only thing that keeps me alive. I can still remember exactly how sunny it was, it was the sunniest day here in Soul. I didn't notice how sunny it was until the heat and the bright, blinding sunlight hit my pale cold body.

I wasn't myself back then. Fears of getting pushed and judged by strange faces took over my brain and body. But that day I felt different. I felt like I'm ready to face the reality plus I had no more green tea left. The source of my relaxation and calmness. It took me twenty minutes to put my outfit together and get ready, from my closet, I took out some jeans, black t shirt, jumper, white trainers and snap back. Maybe it's time to use my skateboard that my dad gave me before leaving me and my mom when I was eleven. He promised that he will be back. I really hope someday he will come back, my mom didn't cry that much she knows she can trust his words.

When I left my family house because my mother decided to sell the house and move to my grandparents house. Grandma Jackie and granddad Lee were alone with their two dogs Waffle and Pearl. My mom thought they needed more support and she loves her parents will all the heart she knows she needs to be there for their older days. She said that when dad will come back we will buy a new house, it's been so long since he left.

Mom begged me to come live with them too, but I didn't want to be the extra trouble for her and my grandparents. So I had to find myself a decent and warm apartment to live in of course, my mom helped me, she told me she will always be here to help. I really love her for that. She's such an amazing woman, so warm and beautiful inside and out. Things really went downhill when I started living all alone. I felt alone. In fact really alone. But thankfully just because I went outside that day, I found my best friend.

Sky turned darker and the sun wasn't there anymore. It was about 6:30pm. I was on my was back home skateboarding down the city, a noise of something squeaking something more like crying but not exactly hit my ears. I didn't hesitate and leaned the skateboard by the wall next to me. When I walked towards the ally full of heartbreaking sound it got louder and louder. Looking around, I reached the goal. A pair of glowing eyes looked at me with sadness. It was just a puppy. A black lablador puppy and next to him his dead mother will blood all over her and the ground.

What happened? Did someone cruel hurt this poor animal?

"It's okay, I won't hurt you, everything is okay, " I whispered and took my jumper off, wrapped the puppy around it with just his head poking out for air. Should I just take it home? I can't leave him like this. I need to help. Grabbed my skateboard and rushed home to warm up the poor pup. When we got home, I got changed and went straight to sleep. Looking at the pup sleeping on my pillow hugged with a blanket I thought to myself. I doubt he has a name, hmm. I will call you Max. And that's how I met my best friend. Since then we haven't been apart.

Okay, let's back to reality. Once again, Max woke me to for his late night walk. This time let's go to the new park around the corner, I heard it's beautiful and modern. Max hates being on leash so I don't really use it when we go out for a walk. When I call him, he's by my side no matter what he knows he can't go far away or I will get worried. I put on my coat, beanie and scarf, then we left. With Max by my right side, we walked over to the park.

When we arrived, my jaw literally dropped, the smell of pine trees combined with fresh air and let's not forget about the Christmas decorations, the bright welcoming lights inside the park. Also, it's nighttime so it looks more magical I had to take a photograph. I snapped some photos and then I look around. Wait a minute, where is Max?

"Max where are you?" I whispered, trying not to make a lot of noise because it's 3am. Fuck, I can't find him.

I looked everywhere. Around the fountain area, the playground for the kids and near the benches. Still so sign of Max. I decided to go back to the exit maybe he is waiting for me there. Then I heard a sound of branches breaking I quickly turned around to check and the next second I felt something hitting my chest. It's a person.

"Ugh... what was that for?" deep, raspy voice came from the guy on the floor. "I.. I'm sorry I couldn't see you" I spoke up with my normal voice. The guilt hit me so hard because shit, I made him feel. I quickly pulled my hand to help him up. Getting up made his hood fall down, making his perfectly straight hair show, he corrected his long brunette fridge with a hint of green and looked at me. When we made eye contact, my heart started to beat as fast as possible. His dark eyes looked so dangerous and beautiful at the same time. I've never felt like this before. Never, Until now...


This is my second fanfic but I hope it will be longer than the first one. I didn't know what to do with the last one. No ideas but I'm looking forward to writing more about v min. I hope you will enjoy reading bye (○゚ε゚○)

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