Chapter 7 - If She'll Take Me

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[A/N : EW so i was writing this then i uploaded and it deleted and i only saved like half of it SO SORRY! but hopefully this update makes up for it :3


[Dan's p.o.v]

I rolled out of bed, accidently taking my dark grey duvet with me. I groaned, and tossed it aside. I would make the bed later, it had to be neat because I was filming a video later.

I pulled on a pair of black tracksuit pants and an old white tshirt and padded into the kitchen.

Standing in front of our stove, poking at something in the fry pan, was none other than Riley, dressed in jeans and a holey old grey sweatshirt. Her flaming hair was swept back from her face in a low plait, and, I hate to say it, but she really didn't need the makeup.

She must've heard me coming, as she laid down the spatula and turned just in time to see me do my usual sleepy walk into the door.

I looked up from the ground into Riley's face, holding a strained expression which showed she was trying not to laugh.

"Alright, Dan?" She smiled, offering her hand to help me up.

I took it, hoisting myself back up to normal height. I have her a reassuring smile and turned my attention to the delicious smell coming from the stovetop.

"You're cooking." I stated.

"I figured it was the least I could do. I was going to do something better but your bacon has something weird growing on it and the cheese is expired, so it's just pancakes." Riley said, all in one breath.

I took a look around our kitchen. The usual mess had somewhat disappeared, which told me that Riley was pretty neat. The pancakes she was making were sizzling in the pan, and she had set out 3 plates, as well as a dish with lemon wedges, sugar and some maple syrup.

"I kind of raided your cupboards, if you haven't noticed." She continued, turning her attention back to the stove. "But don't worry, I'll do a supermarket run for you."

"No, don't worry, it's really -"

"Hey, d'you want to flip this one for me?" Riley interrupted as the kettle clicked off, signalling it had finished boiling.

The next 5 minutes consisted of me ruining 2 pancakes, whilst Riley made cups of coffee and laughed at me. Soon Phil came sleepily walking into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and shaking his hair out of his eyes.

"Gosh, you guys are loud. Some people are trying to sleep around here." He joked, looking around the kitchen.

Riley laughed lightly and thrusted a plate of pancakes at him, signalling for him to eat.

"I made you breakfast, so that has to compensate, right?"

"Especially when it's pancakes!" I said, accepting my own plate from her and starting in on them.

[Riley's p.o.v]

I smiled across at Dan and Phil, both of them looking like kids on Christmas morning with their pancakes in front of them. They were both piling theirs with lemon and sugar, while I opted for a drizzling of maple syrup. I've always had a sweet tooth.

I noticed Phil discreetly eying me from where he sat directly across from me. I peered up from under my eyelashes and gave him a slight smile.

I cut an edge off my pancake and put it in my mouth, savouring the sweetness and warmth. No one was really talking, so I thought as I chewed. I had replayed the kiss from last night over and over in my head, but I still had no idea whether to take mine and Phil's relationship any further, or even if there WAS any relationship.


"D'you watch much YouTube?" Dan asked me, holding his mug up to his lips.

"Not really," I shrugged. "I don't exactly have a computer."

"Ah." He nodded, glancing over at Phil. "That explains it."

I cocked my head to the side, looking between Phil and Dan.

"Uh... Explains what?"

"Well, Phil and I are pretty successful YouTubers, and I was just thinking about how you'd managed to not say a word about it. But, obviously, that's because you didn't know."

I noticed Phil was wincing behind Dan's back, shaking his head slightly.

"So..." I said, piecing it together. "You two are famous?"

"In a way.. What would you say, Phil?"

"I-I... Um..." Phil stuttered, apparently lost for words. "I suppose in a way, but not really.."

"Oh.. Are you really sure it's fine for me to stay, then?" I asked.

"Yes! Don't worry about it, honestly." Dan smiled at me.

I smiled back at them, standing up from my chair and picking up my plate. Dan offered to do the washing up, and I gladly allowed him. I put the dirty plate and utensils in the sink and padded curiously back out to the living room. My fingers traced over the spines of Phil and Dan's DVD collection, recognising a few titles here and there.

"Who watches Death Note?" I called over my shoulder, my gaze falling upon a couple of cases near the top.

"That'd be me!" Phil's voice came over the sound of rushing water.

I grinned to myself. Death Note had always been one of my favourites. I didn't own it myself, but Jake had it and I had gone down to his apartment a couple of times to watch it.

"Great show, right?" I called back, my fingers sweeping back a bit of hair that had fallen out of my plait.

I heard Phil come up behind me. I turned around and saw him drying his hands on a tea towel, smiling at me.

"Yeah, my favourite, probably. D'you watch it?"

"I haven't for a while, but it's definitely one of my favourites." I smiled back.

[Phil's p.o.v]

She even liked Death Note. I mean, she's perfect. To me, anyhow.

After we had eaten and washed up, Riley announced that she was going to go out and look for a gig.

"D'you know your way around the city? Or do you need someone to show you around?" Dan piped up, giving her a half smile.

"I think I'll be alright, thanks Dan." She said, standing up and promptly leaving the apartment, leaving Dan and I sitting awkwardly on the sofa together.

"So," Dan said, turning towards me. "How much do you like her?"

"W-What?" I stuttered, frantically looking around. Had I really been that obvious?

"Yes, you have." Dan stated, practically reading my thoughts.

"I-I.. Well, I just don't know if she feels the same about me.."

"Well hurry up and ask her out, Phil, before someone else does!"

I frowned, my gaze falling onto my feet, covered in an odd pair of socks.

"Wait.." I said, my mind racing over what Dan had just said. "D'you... Do you like her? Riley?"

Dan bit his lip, buying time.

"Well, I think she's stunning and funny and we get along pretty well." He finished, not meeting my eyes.

"Dan.." I shook my head, thinking it over.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Riley, we were meant to be. I don't mean that in a creepy way or anything, she just seemed like an angel to me. A singing, ginger angel.

"Don't worry, Phil. I'm going to wait for you to make a move first."

If only Riley could see it. I'm hers. That is, if she'll take me. I'll always be hers.

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