The Confetti Invasion

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"1950s?" The Doctor asked as we re-entered the Tardis. "Why then? Why not the 1850s, or 150 A.D.? Why 1950s?"

"I don't know. I'm American, don't really need an explanation, do I?" I replied, folding my arms and raising my eyebrow.

"Americans are peculiar, saying funny words like 'ya'll' and 'ain't'. Then, they can't explain why they admire the 1950s."

"Ya'll Brits say 'ain't' funny. Besides, the 1950s was a very patriotic age for America. Other than perhaps the 1770s, I'd say it was the most patriotic era." I said knowingly. "Now quit askin' why, ain't wantin' no more questionin' from you, got it?"

"Ok..." He said and walked back to the control panel. "1950s it is." Then, he pulled the lever.

The Tardis rocked and I jumped to reach the handles. After it stopped and I regained my balance, I said to the Doctor, "Is there something wrong with the Turd-bliss? Why does it shake so violently?"

"First, it is called a Tardis, not a 'Turd- bliss'. And second, we're going through time and space, remember."

"Didn't know space was so bumpy! Hey can you say Turd-bliss again? It sounds super funny with your British accent." He just gave me a look that said Really?

We stepped out of the time machine. "I've got a strangely bad feeling about this place." The Doctor said.

"What do you mean? Bad, how?"

He didn't reply, but instead scanned our surroundings. I did the same. We were in a big city for sure. I saw tall buildings (there ain't many of those in Phoenix, so I knew it was a big city) and lots of people. Oddly, all the people were sitting or standing on the sidewalk observing the road and cheering. No cars were passing on the street nor any people.

"What's happening?" I asked the Doctor." Where and when are we exactly?"

"July 4th, 1952. I believe this is-"

"a parade." I said cutting him off. "I love Independence Day parades!"

"We're in New York City, New York." he informed me with monotone. I punched him in the arm and he yelped.

"We're in New York City!" I yelled and spun around with my arms out. I took a deep breath and inhaled freedom.

"We just went to Domitrae, one of the most colorful planets in the universe and yet you're more excited about a boring city like New York." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"What's your problem?" I asked, my smile fading to concern. "What is really bothering you? Tell me."

Before he could say anything, a marching band came by. I turned and watched them play. Cheering roared from all around. People began tossing confetti at the street.

"This is amazing!" I yelled over the noise. Floats and dancers trailed by us. The Doctor stood unamused with a scowl on his face and arms crossed still.

"Lighten up, grumpy pants. Nothing is wrong." I said reassuringly.

"yet..." he said with dread. A shadow passed over his face.


The parade was very long, seemingly unending. It was only half-way over when something horrible happened.

It began with one of the floats stopping. The float was metallic and looked like a futuristic alien space ship, which was sort of what it turned out to be.

Once that float came to a complete halt, robots filtered out of the hull of the float. They marched in perfect formation and each faced a different direction of the float. Each was armed with a wicked looking space gun.


"Surrender and upgrade to the Cyberman Human Life Form." the robots said unanimously. "Humans must upgrade!"

The Doctor muttered to me, "Told you I had a bad feeling." He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and began fiddling with it.

"All human must upgrade!" They said again. No one spoke a word or even made a sound. Many rose their arms in surrender. Mothers held their little ones close and fathers stood in front of their families to protect them.

An elderly gentleman broke the silence and walked out of the crowd stepping towards the float. He yelled loud and clearly for everyone to hear him, saying, "Why should we surrender to alien scum like you?"

The aliens turned to the old man and readied their weapons. Many gasps broke out from the crowd.

Then, one of the weapons fired, but instead of fire or lasers of bullets, it fired confetti. Then, the other robots attempted to fire and the same thing happened to them. All of the sudden the weapons imploded leaving only confetti to fall to the ground.

"Doctor!" One robot yelled and pointed at us. "You cannot defeat the Cybermen!"

"You know," he calmly replied. "ya'll sound like Santarans."

"How dare you compare the superior Cybermen to the uneducated fools of Santarans!" The Cybermen furiously yelled in union.

"What are San-Tiara-ans? Are they Mexican princesses?" I whispered.

"Santarans, and I'll explain later." he replied. He pushed a button on his sonic and the float explode. Luckily, the brave old man had moved out of the way before it happened. Once the smoke cleared all that was left was more confetti. Not a trace of the 'superior' Cybermen.

"You did it!" I said and gave the Doctor a high five. The crowd was stunned for a brief moment and then they cheered.


We bolted and did our best to keep away from the crowd and the press. Once the hunt for us was off, we returned to the Turd-bliss, I was ready for home.

"I'm so glad I didn't have to upgrade to the Cyberman Human Life Form. I appreciate that you saved us all." I said. The Doctor gave me a smile.

In his elegant British accent he replied, "It was a pleasure to save America on Independence Day." 

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