Chapter 4

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I woke up, and Zahir was still fast asleep. So,I quietly got up and went into the bathroom to do my hygiene. When I was done, I put on a black pair of leggings and a black cami. I went to the kitchen, and decided to cook breakfast, which would be french toast,cheese omlet,hash browns, bacon, and sausages. I plated our food, and put the plates in the microwave while I quickly cleaned up. When I was done, I reheated the food for a little, placed them on a tray along with our drinks, and syrup. I went into the room to see Zahir not in bed, so I assumed he was in the shower.
"Zahir" I called
"Wassup baby" he said
"Don't take to long"
"I'm finishing up as we speak"
When he was done, he came out in nothing but boxers showing off his huge package and his sexy body. He came to join me in bed, then noticed the food.
"I ain't know you could cook" he smirked
"Oh shut up, and just eat" I mushed him
We both sat back in bed, and dug into our food while watching Fifty Shades of Grey. When we were done, I took the dishes to the kitchen, and washed the dishes, when everything was nice and clean, I went to join Zahir back in bed. I laid on his chest, while he held me close, and continued to watch the movie. Something came over me, and I began to run my hands all over his body, and when I came to his area, I massaged it. He cleared his throat and I looked up at him smiling.
"What the matter" I said innocently
"You know exactly what you doing" he smiled
"I don't know what you talking about"
"This little innocent game don't work with me, I'll have bent over in a second"
"So,why don't you do just that?"
I'm not gonna lie, a bitch like me is horny, I haven't had some in a while, and I wouldn't mind getting some now.
"Keep playing, you gon be in trouble" he said
"I'm not playing actually" I said
I sat ontop of him while he looked at me, and I looked back at him, the sexual tension was so thick. I leaned down into his lips, and we began having the most intensified kiss ever. He tugged at my leggings, until I allowed him to take it off, then he pulled my shirt off of me. He flipped us over, so he was now on top. He unclasped my bra, and began slurping and massaging my titties, I bit my lip, so I could conceal my moans. While doing that, he slyly took off my thong, while I slid his boxers down. He then went down, and began giving me the best head ever, using his fingers and mouth. My moans were uncontrollable, I had no other choice but to let them out, and it felt good. When I was about to reach my climax, but he stopped and came up. I was never one to give head, but for Zahir I would. I pushed him down on the bed, and went to work, I heard him grunting so that means I was doing good. I know all of this thanks to my best friend; he began to expand in my mouth, so Zahir stopped me and hovered over me. He reached over to my dresser where his clothes, were, and pulled a condom out of his jeans. I watched him as he put it on, and couldn't help but be nervous, he looked as if he could break me.
"This may hurt ma" he said
"Alright" is what I said on the outside, but on the inside, I was freaking out. He kissed me, as he entered in slowly, it hurted at first like a virgin losing her virginity, but I got adjusted to the size, and he stroked me gently and boy did it feel good. The events that took place, were so explicit, just know that in the end, we were both exhausted, and had more than three orgasms. Let's just say he gave me dick quil, and I was knocked out.
I woke up to Zahir staring at me, I bean smiling remembering what we had just done. I sat up and said, "What, you weirdo"
"I was just taking in your beauty" he said
"Aww,look at the little thug being all sentimental"
"Ain't nothing little about me ma, you know that"
"Your so nasty"
"You shouldn't be talking, you started everything"
"Whatever, what you getting into today"
"Shit, but I wanna talk to you about something"
"So, Ty and I had an idea to open a club together. We were thinking that maybe you and Tamiya could manage it for us. So, what you think"
"I would love to do that. But, I wanna see how Tamiya feels"
"She's all in, and gonna quit stripping. We just waiting on you for our next move"
"I'm in, I've always wanted to stop stripping"
"Well now you could baby. Welcome to the business world ma"
"Thank you so much, how could I pay you back"
"You ain't got to, just make sure you quit by tomorrow"
I got out of bed trying to walk, but I barely could because of how sore I was. I kept trying to walk, while Zahir found humor out of this.
"You gonna help me or nah" I yelled
"Of course I'm gonna help my baby girl" he smiled
He got up and carried me to the bathroom, placing me to sit on the counter. He then ran hot water in the tube, when he was done, he undressed me and placed me in the tube. Instead of leaving me, he helped me wash myself, and when I was done. He dried me off, carried me back to the room, and picked out an outfit for me. I got dressed up while he watched me, I didn't find this weird, I actually liked this. My train of thought was cut short by Zahir saying, "Baby, this may sound crazy, but I think I'm in love with you"
"It's not crazy baby, love at first sight is real" I said
"It's crazy, I think you're the soul mate my momma has been preaching to me about, you gotta meet her"
"But, we haven't been together that long"
"I don't care about that, she has to meet my future wife before she leaves me"
"Baby, what do you mean, where is she going?"
"She has fucking cancer! She's dying slowly, she could leave and go to heaven at any given moment"
"Zahir, I truly am sorry to hear that. I'm gonna be hear for you as long as you need me to"
"Prove it, by agreeing to meet my momma"
"Of course I will"
"She's gonna love you"
"Are you sure?"
"A hundred percent positive"
"So, I shouldn't worry?"
"Not at all, as soon as she see's us. She'll see the amount of love we have for each other. She's gonna be so proud that I finally found you".

Diary of a Stripper HoeWhere stories live. Discover now