Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Finally," I announced, as I clutched the cool handle of the door. I inserted the metal key and walked right in. A gust of stale, musty air cascaded my nostrils. I coughed and fanned the atmosphere. I could tell nobody had visited this room for a while. I twisted my head to the right and flicked a light switch. All of Derek's belongings had already been placed and organized in a dark corner, but...where was Derek? I was sure I had heard him walking behind me. Maybe I was trying too hard to get ahead of him. I searched the dark and dreary room. Nowhere to be seen. Didn't I tell him to follow me? I exasperatedly thought. Great. Better go find him. I turned around sharply for the intent of searching for Derek when I felt something hard strike me in the face.

"OW!" I cried in agony, gripping my throbbing nose. I staggered over to his bed for support.

"," Derek heavily panted, completely oblivious as to what just happened.

I walk too fast?! "Um, hello? Some help over here would be great!" I yelled in a muffled voice. My nose felt numb. I must have hit it against Derek's chest when I had spun around. The sharp pain had caused slight tears to sting my eyes.

"Crap, are you ok?" Finally realizing what had happened, he squatted down next to me and yet again peered at me with the same piercing eyes, only this time they were full of concern.

"Instead of asking me, why don't you make yourself useful and bring me some gosh darn napkins?" I hissed, already feeling the first few drops of warm blood oozing out.

"You're bleeding," he stated.

"Yes, I am fully aware of that, Derek," I snapped.

"'re bleeding." He repeated.

What was he doing? "Derek! Go get me some napkins!" With one hand trying to support my poor nose, I ferociously pointed to his bathroom. He broke his gaze from the blood and scrambled to his feet. I watched him as he struggled to locate the light switch. Once done, he found the toilet paper and yanked it until a giant wad appeared in his arms. I rolled my eyes.

He trotted back to the bed and carefully handed them over to me. I took them cautiously, not wanting any blood to leak out from my grip. God only knows what Stella would do if any soiled my dress.

"Try putting your head back," Derek advised gently.

Reluctant at first to obey him, I slowly tilted back. It startled me when I felt a strong hand grasp the back of my head.

"Your mom is going to kill me," he fretted.

I sighed. "Don't worry," I reassured. "I won't tell her. We just need to stop this bleeding in case she decides to barge in." We both chuckled, and a look of relief was painted on his face. As much as I hated Derek, it wasn't worth telling my mother. Knowing her, she would go completely berserk and would scold me to 'be more careful.'

Like I needed that right now.

There was a peaceful moment of silence as we both contributed to the aid of my nose. Suddenly, Derek cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry I slammed into you like that," he blurted, embarrassment written all over his face.

To his astonishment, I laughed. "Hey, no big deal. Besides, it was my fault in the first place that I was trying so hard to get ahead of you anyhow." We both chuckled and his grip on my head became tighter. Somehow, we began to recall events of each other and our devious schemes when we were children growing up. It left a lingering mark on my part, knowing if we weren't in this situation, I would have left him by himself in his room the minute we had found it.

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