Love pt. 2

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When you get in a relationship
love for me becomes personified, all love will be focused to that one person. And thats good.

But if you do, you gotta make sure that, you're serious to that person and vice versa...

cause once you love, there's one end for all of it, to get married and to settle down but if you don't see that in your relationship now...


Before its too late.
Because if the person isn't helping you to grow to who you oath to be that's bad.

Don't let them hinder your growth, because you deserve to be whole...
and love would help you and inspire you more to be that person...

we all passed that stage of skepticism, because we haven't experienced being in the presence of a soulmate.

That one person who will change your life, who will flip for with all the butterflies, fireworks, and slow motions but when you found that person, hold onto them and never let go.

And it will be worth it...
Love can be easy but most of the time its an adventure, so be hobbit.

Go on to one and see how much it will make you a better person.



thank you xx

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