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jordan🌒: will?

jordan🌒: will, where are you?

will☁️: I'm on a plane back to London

jordan🌒: WHAT? WHY?

will☁️: he wants me to come home.

jordan🌒: will! don't you understand that he's just going to hurt you again???

will☁️: oh like you won't

jordan🌒: what are you talking about!?

will☁️: I saw her texts, jordan. I'm not an idiot.

jordan🌒: what do you mean??

will☁️: jasmin texted you. she asked when you were getting rid of me. I'm not fucking stupid, jordan.

jordan🌒: will!! I swear, I wasn't going to leave you!

will☁️: whatever, jordan.

jordan🌒: will! you have to believe me!

jordan🌒: will, please!!

jordan🌒: will please answer me!

jordan🌒: I don't love her!

jordan🌒: I thought I did but I don't!

jordan🌒: I love you!


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