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jordan🌒: will

jordan🌒: where did you go

jordan🌒: sir

jordan🌒: excuse me

jordan🌒: dondé estás

jordan🌒: will. I turned around and you fucking disappeared

jordan🌒: excuse you, I've been wandering around the shelter for two hours trying to find you

jordan🌒: where u @ tho

jordan🌒: are you really going to make me to go customer support

jordan🌒: fine.

I made my way over to customer support. When I reached the desk I leaned my elbow on the top and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Hi," I sighed, "I lost my boyfriend."

The tiny elderly man behind the counter blinked at me, "What's his name, eh?"

"Will." I groaned, "Will King."

He smiled and nodded while pressing the button on the PA system microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen, would Will.. ah, King please come to the front desk. Your boyfriend has lost you and seems to be fed up with your shit." the old man asked. My eyes shot open, did he just say that? I doubled over laughing,

"Oh my god." I laughed, "Did you just-" I was cut off by a British accent.

"JORDAN!" Will screamed as he made his way down the hall and up to the front desk, "I GOT TWO KITTENS!" he beamed.

The old man raised an eyebrow, "Oi, I would be so excited, skippy. Jordan is done with your bullshit." I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding, "You just ditched him. And-" he turned to me, "Did he answer is phone?" I shook my head no, "And you didn't answer your phone. If I were you I'd apologise."

Will's smile dropped slightly, "I'm sorry, Jordan." he said. I shrugged.

"It's whatever." I mumbled and mouthed thank you to the man before walking back to my car, "I'll be in the car. Come out when you're done." I called and dropped the door behind me.


I'm so sorry this chapter is complete shit and it's been years since I last updated. more updates should be coming soon. again, I'm so so sorry, guys. I hope this was at least somewhat enjoyable to read lmao

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