Chapter 2

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"He jumped out of the window?" Scott asked in disbelief, grabbing various text and notebooks out of his locker.

Stiles did the same, nodding enthusiastically, "Yeah, I don't know what the hell was wrong with him."

"Full moon's coming up," Scott shrugged, "maybe that's it."

"Derek's been a werewolf forever." Stiles pointed out, "He shouldn't still get all weird on full moons."

"Yeah, thanks." Scott smirked, catching his friend's slip.

Stiles sighed, glancing blankly at him, "You know what I mean."

Scott smiled, beginning to walk side by side Stiles to eighth period, "So Derek didn't say anything else about the alpha?"

"He just wanted me to track the number and then dived out my window." Stiles shrugged, unable to say that it would keep him awake at night. Odd werewolf behaviors ceased to worry him.

"That's weird man." Scott said, entering chemistry class.

          The two friends took a seat in their self-assigned desks, Scott smiling shyly at Allison. Stiles rolled his eyes, partly wishing he had other things to do than enjoy Scott's love life. He wanted his own. However, Lydia seemed currently occupied with Jackson, so he held out no hope as of this year. Recently discovered, Stiles' love life was not only limited to strawberry blonde haired females- or females at all really. Scott knew, of course, but there was no one of any gender Stiles believed he had a chance with.


          Derek threw open his degraded home's door, brain listing off various curse words which illustrated all he did wrong. If this were to go smoothly, Stiles had to agree. Derek couldn't go through with it if he didn't, but there was no way he would with the way things were going now. The wolf didn't know exactly how this worked, however, knew it wasn't like this. Maybe he could fix it, Derek thought optimistically, maybe he could make a better impression and it all would end better than what it was looking now.


Lame excuse for a chapter, don't judge me.


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