Stuck In Hell

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Ash's POV

Panic. That is all I can feel. What the hell is happening? Right, she said call Luke. I grab my phone and quickly dial his number.

"Sup. Haven't talked to you in a long time." his voice says.

"Luke. I am serious when I say this. Raiden went to the old abandoned theater with her friends. Coda found her and he is trying to hurt her. She needs help now!" I yell into the phone.

"Okay just calm down. I will tell the police and private detectives her family ordered." he says, hanging up.

I quickly get in the car and rush over to the theater. There are already a bunch of police cars and an ambulance there. I jump out, the car still moving even though I threw the emergency brake on, uniformed men stop me from crossing the lines.

"It's okay. He is good." Luke says, coming up.

I also see Dylan sitting down, and the girls with blankets on them. Some are crying.

"What is going on?" I ask him.

"We don't really know. Well they don't know. We found a cloth that contains drugs on it. She was most likely knocked out by him, then he took her away. Right now we are trying to find out where he could have taken her." Luke tells me.

"Selena." Ella says behind us.

"Who?" Luke asks.

"Selena is Raiden's best friend. Well used to be. She got in a crash and fell under a coma. Most likely he is doing something with her. She was his one weak spot. He loved how much Raiden cared for her. I don't know why, but he did." she explains.

"Alright let's head out." Luke says, taking a group of men.

"I am coming." Ella says.

"No, you're not." Luke tells her, putting his hand up.

"She is my friend. She has told me everything about this psychopath. I am not going to let him get away with her." she says.

"Dylan, keep her here." Luke says, walking away.

"Insufferable bastard!" she screams while tears fall down her face and Dylan holds her back.

Raiden's POV

There is a sharp pain in my right side. I open my eyes to be met with my helpless body lying on cold dark floor. Sounds start to return to my ears as a heart monitor can be heard.

Please tell me that is not mine. I know I am not in a hospital. Unless they started to throw their patients down in dark rooms that are damp. Even sarcastic in the most dire situations. You never seem to amaze me mind.

"Hello sweetheart." the devil's voice says.

His blond hair flashes in front of my eyes, and I am lifted up. My body still feels like a block of cement.

"Want to say hi to your old friend before goodnight?" he asks.

My eyes adjust to the hospital bed attached to the heart monitor I heard. My brain freezes, considering the rest of me can't.

"Selena." I manage to choke out.

"It's okay. She won't be going anywhere. You get it. She is in a coma." he says.

"Wait. I have to get her out of here." I say, as he drags me away by throwing me over his shoulder.

"Don't worry. Neither of you are going anywhere. Welcome home my dear." he replies, just as my vision goes out again.

Ash's POV

It's been two weeks. The police have given up, but are assisting the private detectives if they need it. I haven't heard anything. Her parents have been home, and I have driven by many times. I can never go inside though. I barely know them that well.

I know that it makes me look like a coward, but at this point all of us are drained. Luke is the only one who isn't, but I don't think he is human either.

My parents are both in Germany, but I told them about what had happened. They are going to be home within the next minutes, and I am a little scared of it.

Raiden isn't the only one who wanted to hide their wealth. My parents both run multi million companies. They are actually in business with Raiden's, so when I tell them that they will be happy. At least I hope, sometimes my father can be a little hard to persuade.

The door opens and they both walk through.

"Sebastian. It's so good to see you." my mother says, running up to me and hugging me.

"How are you doing? I know this must be hard." she says, looking on the verge of tears herself.

I don't understand how my father and mother got together. My father is a natural born business man, while my mother is that girl who talks to flowers and animals like they are infants.

I guess it's true in this case. Opposites attract.

"Son. I heard you have been skipping school. I know this is hard, but you need to keep your education up." he tells me.

"I know. I am going back tomorrow. I need to tell you guys who she is exactly." I say, sitting down.

Both of them relax together on the couch, and turn their attention to me.

"Go ahead." my mother says softly.

"My girlfriend is Raiden Callen. Her parents are in business with us. I want us to help by sending our detectives and forces to find her before she gets hurt." I tell them confidently.

"Callen? Of course we will help. Why didn't you tell us sooner?" my father says, shocked.

He stands up, and dials numbers immediately.

"It's going to be okay. We will find her." my mother says.

"I know that, but will it be too late?" I ask.

"What is this guy capable of?" she asks.

"I don't know. That is the scary part."


So shit went down. Hope you guys liked this chapter. Going to say, there are not many left. I have a new book already set up and ready to go. I am really excited for it too. I am sticking with the whole typical girl fall for guy thing, but there is always a twist. Anyway, see you next time.

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Song Recommendation: All Alone by Fun.



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