Chapter Six

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Last time I checked, the bathroom was never actually in somebody's bedroom. More specifically in the side tables.

Joanne stood up and gripped her dress. She'd been caught snooping in the act.

"Doesn't look like you need the bathroom anymore." She rolled her eyes and stepped forward, hands on her hips.

"You're disgusting. You know that?" She hissed as my arms crossed above my chest. "Dating two men at once. How low can you be?"

"We all agreed!" I snapped back at her. "I wouldn't force a relationship with them if they didn't want it." She dryly laughed and rolled her eyes.

"You're not going to be able to marry both of them you know." She threw off and circled me until she was between myself and the door. "You're going to have to pick one."

"If that ever comes," Which it shouldn't, "then I'll deal with it when it's a problem."

"But it's already a problem." She stepped forward, eliminating the space between us. "You're going to choose which one you want. And you're going to leave with him."

I wanted nothing more than to raise my fist to her face.

"And by him, I mean the blonde one." She threw his name off like trash.

"It's Niall."

"Whatever. I don't care." Was she naturally born rude? Or is it just a family thing? "You're going to leave with him and leave Harry alone. Isn't it obvious he's uncomfortable in this so called relationship?"

That thought had crossed my mind at dinner. But I needed to hear it from him. Clearly from him.

"I mean sometimes you feel left out but it's good."

Well, he had to be hinting at something there right?

"Choose Neil-"

"Niall." I clarified. Like the Egyptian nile motherfucker.

"Choose him. He cares about you. Go with him. And stop being such a hog and taking up Harry. He doesn't want this. Or you. Or Niall." She poked my chest rather harshly. "He's the only one that truly cares. And he will always be the only one that cares."

Shit that hurt.

Yes I love Niall. No fucking doubt. And I also love Harry. But maybe what she's saying is right. Maybe I need to stop being selfish and choose one.

Like most other people do.

A knock came to the bedroom door and it opened up.


Niall stopped and looked at Joanne at the door wide eyed. His eyes then narrowed as she stepped back a little.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Leaving." She whisked herself away and out of the room as I shook my head. Niall stepped in and shut the door before making his way over towards me.

"I'm sorry darlin." His hand touched my arm and gave a reassuringly grip. "I don't know what's gotten into Harry." Tugging me into his vest, I easily complied into the comfort of his arms.

"You think," I whispered, clutching his shirt tighter, "you think Harry's unhappy?"

"What? Of course not. Why would you say that?" Niall questioned as his fingers stroked hair from my face.

I couldn't reply. I didn't know how to. I just had these insecure emotions hit me and I was to scared to tell Niall about them just yet.

"I love you." I whispered looking up at him. "I really, really do Niall." He glanced at me slightly confused as I leant up and pecked his lips. "Thank you for being here."

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