@Arissa07 AND @AskUsUk

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@Arissa07 asks:

FMB can you tell me who England's crush is please? *Smiles*

Flying Mint Bunny: Sure! It's-

@AskUsUk (partially)asks:

Flying mint bunny: Tell me if England likes America... Please? Me and 4/5 allies are wondering

Flying Mint Bunny: Wow! I'm most popular on this ask?! Yay! I've been asked the most questions! ^w^

Admin: Now answer them...

Flying Mint Bunny: Right right. England loves America! One day I went into his office and I found a weird draw with a lot of pictures of America in it and there was a picture of his abs even. England found out and banned me from his office. The joke's on him. I know where EVERYTHING is hidden in there :3

England: *Blushing bright* MINT I WILL MURDER YOU.

Admin: FMB isn't as innocent as we all though folks...

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