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(This really isn't a specific character or anything btw.)

Personally, I've begun to think that we've all taken a lot of the simple things for granted in our lives.

We don't think about how if this one small simple little thing in our life was taken away, how it could drastically change things for us.

You and I had the relationship everyone else wanted to have for themselves. "The Perfect Couple, Made for Each Other, Inseparable." I'm sure we had heard them all.

We'd be together all the time, during lunch, in the halls, and I would even wait for your practice to be over so we could walk home together.

It's amazing how everything can change it such a short amount of time though. In the blink of an eye, in the span of a time equal to that of the flash of a camera, everything, and I mean everything can change.

The feeling of the world crumbling apart, and falling out from underneath you is the worst thing ever. It begins to feel like nothing could ever be worse. Like your being suffocated, and you can't breath, even though nothing is preventing you from doing so. Your body begins to shake, you look at your hands and they are shaking too. Your entire body is trembling. The sadness you feel from this 'simple' thing that you lost is so immense that you can't even function properly.

That's one way I could describe how I felt.

Now all I can see is white. The ceilings, floors, and sheets. The cabinets, walls, windows and shades, all dressed from top to bottom in nothing but white. Sure, there's some other color, but only differing shades of grey and maybe some beige.

The only noise in the heart monitor, the beeps keep getting slower and slower.

I know I'm going to die, and for some reason, I'm okay with that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed or anything, and that's not the cause of what happened here.

I suppose, I could think back to the cause, though it's quite painful to remember.

A cold, December night, it's very late, and most of the buildings have shut off their lights, leaving only a few lamps a long the side walk to light the darkness. There hadn't seemed to be many cars, and it was relatively quite as he and I walked side by side, are hands intertwined, and our arms swinging back and forth.

It's snowing, and just like now, everything is wearing a coat of white. Whenever we had exhaled, you could see our breaths in the air.

It was a beautiful night, it seemed nothing could go wrong.

Quite the shame everything did go wrong, though.

As he and I were crossing the street, a car swings itself around the turn, exceeding the speed limits hits us both.

Newspapers were titled the next day, "Two Teens Hit By Speeding Car, One Killed On Impact, The Other In Critical Condition."

The beeps of the heart monitor bring me back to wear I currently am. I'm counting down the minutes, till I too, will die. It's impossible to save me, had said the doctor.

I've taken the time I had left to think. I no longer really feel the sadness I felt when I heard he had died.

I say that now, but I'm still crying. I don't want to die. I wish I could've spent more time here, in this world. I wish I would've treasured more of the things that happened. All the simple little things that made everything for together so perfectly. I want more time. I wish I had more time, but unfortunately, wishes don't always come true. It seems I'll be joining him soon.

And here now, my time, is up. I bid farewell to all, and I regret taking everything for granted. I'll be joining you now, my love. Thank you for waiting for me.

The heart monitor lets out its final beep, and my story ends. Quite short, and quite simple it was.

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