2 - information

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A repetitive noise disturbed my sleep which caused to wake me up. My alarm. Grabbing my phone in my nightstand, I turn off the alarm and push the 'home' button. The Messages icon caught my attention as a red circle with the number one sign on it appeared. I went to my messages and saw Evan texted me fifteen minutes ago.

Call time at 11am. Meeting and new case. You don't wanna miss your first day as a Leader.

First things first, I checked the time: 9:30 AM. I'm safe.

Underneath the covers of my blanket, I stretched up my arms, my legs, and my body. I get up and head straight to the bathroom. My bathroom is small, just one-third of the size of my apartment. I get into the shower and rinse myself. I close my eyes as the water run through my pale skin. I let myself relax in the shower for a few minutes, and wash my body after.

As I finish, I cover myself up with a nice, warm towel and brushed my teeth. I always brush my teeth first before I eat so that I have no worries whenever I hurry up. I put on some makeup; eyeliner, clear mascara and some light red lipstick. I walk in my wardrobe (which is next to my bathroom) and pick a black sweatshirt saying the word iconic on it, black jeans for my all-black outfit and put on my black sneakers.

I get back in the living room and turn on the television. The news is on. I've always like the news. Information, politics, and newscasters. I live for their broadcasting accent. While preparing my pancakes, my favorite newscaster is on—Katrina David. The news was all about some mysterious man and woman who went to jail.

"A man and a woman who went to a prison, was about to help a detainee to break out jail." Katrina David said, which caught my attention and made me glance over the TV. They are showing a CCTV footage of the said people in a police counter. They were wearing dark green shirts. The next footage was them talking to a prisoner in the jail itself. The woman was doing something with the lock, while the man was the lookout. The prison looks familiar.

"Fortunately, these people got caught in act by a police named, Jeffrey Tan." Katrina David continued and showed a picture of Jeffrey Tan, the said police. I finally realized: the prison was the City Penitentiary Center.

As I inhaled, I smelled a burning food. The pancake I was cooking was already burning.

"Shit." I uttered, as I hurriedly turned the pancake around. The back part was pitch black and has an awful smell. Damn it, I thought. I'll just buy food outside.

I turn off the gas and gazed at the TV. The camera is now turned on Oliver Jackson, Katrina David's news casting partner, and the news changed about a super typhoon that devastated the southern part of the Philippines. I failed to listen to Katrina David. I'm now clueless about what happened to the mysterious people. I walk over he TV and turned it off. I'm ready to go.

Stepping out the door, I glanced at my bed and saw the camera lying on it. I remembered I fell asleep holding it. I felt myself smile.


"Hm... what store should I pick?" I asked myself. I have $18 on my pocket and I don't know which store should I buy my breakfast. I passed by Starbucks and thought for a second. From what I remember, the oatmeal costs three dollars, some sandwiches costs two dollars or more, the drinks costs three dollars or more. I decided Starbucks, and entered.

Gladly, there's no line and I walked over the counter.

"Good morning! May I take your order?" the cheerful Barista exclaimed, which almost caused me to jump. I look over his name tag and it wrote, "Ben".

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