Marked - The House Of Night Series

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The House Of Night Series



Recently I have read the book Marked in The House Of Night Series. I have to say I loved it from the first page. It really had me hooked. I love their descriptions as they use all the senses to really  give the reader the idea that their with the characters in that scene. I love the main character Zoey a 16  year old normal teenage girl who just wants to fit in. Yes it may sound cliche but believe me it's not it has so many twists and turns that it just gets better and better.Now if you havent guessed this is a vampire book so if you don't like fantasy and vampires and all that stuff then this book isn't for you. By reading reviews from other readers this book has been getting a lot of bad press which I understand as it isn't for everyone and I mean really bad press. But I think it is a great book something a lot of people would enjoy it's entertaining, well written and I love the original ideas of the vampire genre.

For more information on this book go to their website:

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