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Alex' pov

Second day at Comic-con, this will even be better than yesterday.

I was currently looking into my mirror, thinking if my outfit looked good today or if I should change. I'm wearing black jeans and a t-shirt with Halsey's deluxe album BADLANDS.

And my brown hair was in a very sloppy bun, easily makeup on, mascara and eyeliner. Makeup isn't really my favorite thing, I'm more like a natual kinda girl.

Eh, screw it I'm going with Halsey on me.

"SARAH I'M READY TO GO YOU COMING?" I yelled from the kicthen as I got a cup of vanilla tea to go with. She ran over to me, laughing, having the biggest smile on her face as she jumped on my back.

I swear she's the kid in here.

"woawoawoaw" I said real fast as I tried to put her down on the floor but nope she had her legs around my waist not letting me go.

"Okay fine, I'm going to the car with a koala on my back, cool" I said sarcastic and locked the door, still having Sarah on my back and having her hair in my face didn't make it eaiser for me to see the ground.

"AAAH!" Sarah screamed in my ear as we were on the ground with Sarah lying on me still screaming from me tripping over.

"Not my fault, with your hair in my face" I said as I got up brushing my pants, she nodded still smiling taking her hand up waiting for me to help her up.

"Nope, help yourself sister" I laughed and ran to the car before she could jump on me yet again.

Something is really odd with her today, she's more happy than she usually is, that can only mean one thing since she never took coffee this morning, she have found someone she likes.

"SARAH!" I screamed in the car as we were going to Comic-con today again.

She jumped up hitting her head on the roof of the car, I brusted out laughing at her, she's an idiot, but I love her.

"Don't frickin' scare me like that, douche" She muttered as she kept looking out, daydreaming about this guy she liked. She never waked up happy without coffee or energy drinks. Even if it's about a guy, so he must be very special.

"You like someone" I mumbled back to her, looking at the road but kept glancing at her as she began to get nervous of me founding out the little dirty secret.

"I knew it, I ship it" I said smiling like an idiot as I parked by our signs, I laughed again as I saw the lovely signs with my and her name on it.

The signs will never get old, I need to ask my manager if I can keep them.

"Stop laughing at the signs weirdo, and also you don't even know who it is" She said shaking her head as we walked in by the photoshoot.

"And you didn't deny it" I sang dancing backwards as we were going to the photoshoot before getting in to our panels.

"WATCH OU-" Sarah screamed but it was too late, I was already on the floor with five other people on me, as usually, not like that you dirty little people, like I'm clumsy as hell.

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