Chapter Seventeen - A Life For A Life

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Chapter Seventeen - A Life For A Life

The bell rings three times, announcing the start of the fight. The clock on the wall starts it countdown and the seconds start ticking by. I move around the ring, my eyes on Declan. He copies my movements, his hands raised and fisted in front of his face, just like my own. "I can't throw the first punch, so your going to have to do it."

I grin at him. "Are you going to stop moving for me to do so?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He flashes me a wicked grin. "No." I roll my eyes but decide to get this show on the road. I run towards him, jumping and throwing the bottom part of my body forward, kicking him straight in the chest. I land on my side as Declan stumbles back, not expecting that to be my first move.

I get up and Declan comes at me. I turn my back to him, my arms raising behind my head just as he wraps an around my front. My hands find his ears and I throw my body forward, flipping him over. Because of his hold around my waist though, I go with him, landing on his front. "Jesus Christ." He grunts. The crowd cheers. "For a little girl your a fucking Ninja."

I laugh, and get of him only for his hand to wrap around my ankle, causing me to stumble to the floor, for forehead banging onto the floor. I roll over, holding my head. "Shit."

"It's about to get dirty, Beauty. Are you ready?"

"Fucking give it to me, you asshole." I tell him, fighting the dizziness I feel as I push myself to my feet. No sooner am I on my feet though, I'm knock of them, landing straight on my back and banging the back of my head. Pain travels up my spine and I cry out. I raise my fist and knock it straight into his face, right near his temple.

I'm getting angry now; my veins are bubbling with it. I'm not angry at Declan, I'm angry at Jason, actually, I'm fuming with anger at Jason, Justin, Ryan and Rocky.

I blink my eyes open to find Declan standing above me. He laughs. "There she is. Give it to me Warrior."

So I do. I get up again and again but before I get knocked down I give Declan everything I can. I hit him in the kidneys, the nose, the collar bone and the temples. He gets in a few hits; one to my stomach and one in my thigh right above my knee, making it numb.

The seconds on the clock go by, the minutes getting less and less. The crowd goes wild, cheering for the both of us. I notice Jason standing from his chair and watching the fight, his knuckles white as he holds on tight to the railing.

Declan's elbow hits me in the corner of my eye and I stumble back, knowing it going to bruise. I can already feel it swelling. His arm comes around my shoulders and he holds me to him. His hand wraps around my throat, but he doesn't squeeze as he holds me to him. "I know what's been going on, Beauty." He whispers low in my ear.


"Adam told me that Jason wants you to throw the fight. I also know that those boys you love are here also. I'm going to help you but you have to listen to me."

I'm facing the direction my boys are in and my eyes search them out, going to North first. He looks pissed as he leans up against the wall, his stance tense. His eyes are narrowed onto his.

"You are going to knock me in the temple and I'm going to stumble to the side, knocking my head on the pole in the corner. That's when I want you to wrap your pretty little hands around my neck and squeeze." His tighten around my throat for demonstration. "And you don't let go until my heart stops beating."

"Declan, no." I whisper, shaking my head. To everyone else, I may look like I'm struggling but I'm not. I can't kill him.

"Yes, because your going to win this fight. You are going to kill me, Sang and then your going to kill Jason Storm but before you do, you find out who killed my wife and kids and then get revenge for me."

He throws me to the floor and I get up quickly, turning and looking to him. "I can't."

He comes forward so his big body is close to mine, his face inches away from my own. "Adam don't know this plan; I told him when he told me what your plans are that I had to win this fight because I find out who killed my family. He was petrified for your life. What he didn't know was that I have a plan." Tears sting my eyes. "I have nothing to lose now Sang. You have everything to lose."

To make the fight look real, Declan wraps his fist around my hair and pulls, craning my head back. "The only thing I care about in this life now is you. You became a friend I wanted when I came here. But you have a life to go back to, so go back to it. Do it."

I squeeze my eyes close and let the tears fall, nodding my head. He's giving me what I wanted the moment I walked into this ring, that winning tittle. All I have to do is take his life. He is a friend. So many times he's bandaged up my back and told me weakness should never be seen in a place this. He's a friend I car for.

It's not the first time this ring will see a death. I've killed a few people in this ring; Declan and my brothers have done also.

I promise myself right now that I will give this man a funeral and bury him next to his family.

Peeling my wet eyes open I nod my head once more, he throws me down again and moves himself towards the corner. I get up to my feet and don't even think before moving my body, my closed fist going into his temple. He falls to the side, knocking his other temple onto the steel pole before falling to the floor.

I go over to him, moving him from his front to his back, straddling his belly. His eyes peel open just slightly as my hands move towards his neck. "I'm so sorry." I whisper, wrapping my hands around his flesh, squeezing.

His hands come up and wrap around my wrists, but he doesn't even try to pull them off, only tightening his grip around my tiny wrists.

His face starts to turn red and his body starts to struggle underneath mine. It's not enough to knock me of though. His eyes close which I'm thankful for, I wouldn't be able to watch the life leave his eyes.

I blink the tears down my cheeks. The crowd is still cheering. The ref is shouting my name and so is my brothers but I ignore them. I also realise that my boys are witnessing me kill someone.

Declan's face is purple and his hands have gone slack around my wrists. I let go, bringing a hand to my mouth as a sob leaves my body. "Oh god, I'm so sorry." I cry.

"Sang." Adams voice rings in my ears through the quieting noise of the crowd. His beaten and bruised body crashes in to mine and I wrap my arms around him, holding tight. "Shhh, please."

The bell rings five times as the whole crowd goes quiet, slowly realising what I've done. "You told him and he told me to do this." I whisper in his ear.

"Shit, the fucking stupid motherfucker."

Adam holds me but a second later he's ripped away from me and I'm looking into the cold, angry eyes of Jason.

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