Extra Powers

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"I want you to close your eyes for ten seconds," Ventuswill told me. I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew, I felt immense pressure. Once I counted to ten. I opened my eyes and gasped. It was a beautiful clearing surrounded by what seemed like a forest. There was a little cave located on the edge of he forest.. Ventuswill set me down next to the cave and told me to go check inside. I entered slowly, not knowing what to expect. When I reached what seemed to be the end of the cave, there was a hammock with a blanket in it. The space surrounding it was cleared out. I walked out and saw Ventuswill staring into the distance. I sat down beside her and she looked at me.

"So what are we going to do now?," I asked her.

"What if I just show you then having to go through all of the trouble to just tell you the entire thing," she tells me smirking.

I looked at her confused. "What do you me-," I began to say but my mind exploded by visions of what looked like me training.

These are my thoughts. They are not real but I'm showing you what we are going to do.

Then all of a sudden these thoughts stopped. I blinked and looked up at Ventuswill to see her snickering, probably at my expression.

"Hey!," I said getting up. "What was that?"

"One of the extra-powers that I have," she said with a smirk.

"Am I able to learn that?," I asked her.

"Hm... You can... But then that would mean an extra year of training for you. Do you want that?,"She asked me.

"Well sure, I guess. But what are the rest of your powers?" I asked her with curiosity while sitting back down in the grass.

"Well it's rare for a dragon to even have one power but I have three," she said as she got up and stood near the middle of the clearing. My first power is telepathy. She said I my head. Which includes talking in the mind and sending images of your thoughts. I nodded, still dazed about her talking in my head.

"The next power that I have," she says out loud this time, and with that, she disappeared. I blinked and looked around. All of a sudden, she appeared right next to me. I shriek and fell back panting. Once I caught my breath, I sat up and glared at her.

" you could have given me a heart-attack!" I screamed. She just chuckled and dissapeared only to reappear in the middle.

"I'm never going to get used to that..." I muttered.

"And last but not least, invisibility," she said with a dark smile. Then her appearance wavered until I couldn't see her. Then all of a sudden, something rapped around my stomach. I looked down but saw nothing. I tried to touch my stomach but something was blocking me from doing so. I was then lifted up into the air. I stayed calm, breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth.

"Ha ha. Very funny," I said. Then she finally appeared next to me, her tail rapped around me. She put me down and sat next to me.

" I think that's enough for today. So in total you will have three years to train, starting tomorrow. Now go rest up. You'll need the energy for tomorrow," she said to me with a kind smile. I smiled back and nodded. I began to walk back to the cave and got into the hammock. I was feeling kind of sleepy. I then brought my hand where my fairy tail mark used to be. I had already begun to miss them, but I had to become stronger. I began to think about Natsu. I wonder how he was reacting to my disappearance. Knowing Natsu, he's probably rampaging through town looking for me. I smiled at the thought and slowly drifted off into sleep.


The Power of a Celestial Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now