Chapter 22 - Aftermath

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As Layla made her way home, the rejection kept running through her mind. Her lips had finally met his and she couldn't deny that being in his grasp was the most heart-thumping experience...and that was just with their innocent kiss! How she wished that he would have moved their interaction forward. Even if they didn't sleep together, just being in his arms would have sufficed instead of the abrupt ending to their night. The lump in her throat made it clear how upset she was but Layla refused to cry. It was her own fault, she brought it on herself.

Without thinking it through all the way through, she called his number on her cellular as she continued her walk home. Thinking that maybe she could undo the circumstances with a simple apology and reassurance that there were no hard feelings. No answer. She tried once more before letting this notion go. Maybe talking wasn't the best way to go. She sent a message instead, saying that she apologized if she was out of line, no hard feelings, and that she hoped to see him tomorrow as he got his usual coffee so they could go over plans for their next shoot.

Once she reached her apartment, Natasha made it a little hard for her to move past tonight's happenings. From the moment she came through the door Natasha followed her around trying to get juicy details that had only existed for mere seconds.

"Come on, Layla! How could you leave me in the dark like this?" Natasha whined.

"For the last time Tasha, there isn't anything to talk about." Layla tried to convince her before she was forced to tell her what really happened to get her off her back.

Natasha did not cease with her pestering. She followed Layla like a puppy, whining till she would give in. Layla went from washing dishes to putting away laundry all the while having Natasha questioning her.

"Tell me something! Anything! Did he at least kiss you? I can see that something happened."

Layla sighed before giving into her nuisance of a best friend. "Fine, yes. I kissed him, but just for a second. He isn't into me like that I guess. So I left and that is all there is to tell. Happy now?"

The excited look on Natasha's face had disappeared after hearing Layla's defeat. She gave Layla a small hug, realizing that she was trying her best to keep a straight face.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you about it. I was just hoping-" Natasha began to say.

"I know, me too. Guess I'm not his type!" She tried to keep their conversation light, adding the last bit of humor.

Natasha playfully punched her arm. "Well if he doesn't want you, then you can always be my girlfriend!" 

"Aww thanks, glad someone will take me!"

They laughed together and kept the mood from disintegrating for the rest of the night. Layla was grateful for Natasha as she kept her mind off Roxbury with a chick flick containing half-naked men and takeout. They both fell asleep on the couch even before the movie finished; Layla's head snuggled against Natasha's shoulder. 

As the time crept upon Layla to wake up for work, she couldn't kick the drowsiness. Even after a warm shower, she found it hard to stop yawning. She applied her makeup in such a way to accentuate her facial features and wore her favorite uniform shirt that hugged the curve of her bosom without making her look too obvious. If the one she pined for didn't want her, then Layla decided to keep her options open. She had gone without a love connection and good sex for far too long. She wondered if it was too much to ask to find someone that could satisfy her intellectually as well as behind closed doors. If all else failed, she'd be pouncing on Natasha soon enough. Desperation wasn't pretty business, Layla hoped that she wouldn't be made to wait that long.

She walked to work with the confident stride of a single woman on the lookout even if there wasn't really an audience to see her. Chin up...chest out...but tastefully so. Layla kept a bright smile plastered on her face as she entered into the café and all throughout the morning. She waited on the one customer that wasn't so easy to forget about...

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