It happens every year.
A new stupid reality show, full of people whose names will be forgotten within weeks. They do stupid challenges, and live with each other for a few months, get voted off, or just lose the race.
But either way, it always ends with a winner, who will blow their money far too quickly, and too much drama for a competition.
Reality Resort is no different - except, maybe you won't forget their names right away.
Reality Resort is a reality game show that takes place over the summer, on a private island in the middle of the pacific ocean with 16 competators from that year's choice country, who will battle it out over the course of the summer to see who will be the last remaining on the island.
The twist? Every competator is a celebrity in their own form - weather they sing, act, model, or even just make video's on the internet for a living, they've all surpassed one million twitter followers, and have countless meet ups and such with their fans.
Drama insues, contestants get on nerves, and you - yes, YOU the viewers will get to pick who to send home each week!!
Okay, so yes, I came up with this idea when I was watching the show Total Drama Island (it's a Canadian cartoon spoofing reality shows, and it's on American netflix, and it's super funny and innaproppraite, and they ate bull testicles.)
Anywho, I'll be trying to do weekly updates on this starting next week (don't ask what day, I'm not sure yet) but yes, at the end of each chapter, in either the comments, or messaging me personally, you guys - the readers - will get to be voting people off the show... out of the book. Whatever.
But, I kind of - yea, I know this is insane considering how few fans I have, but if anyone reading could suggest this to their friends? - I kind of want to get to about 15 - 20 votes before I start so I know that I'll have a decent sized voting audience. :)

Reality Resort (Larry AU w/ side ships)
FanficIt's a reality show, and that can only mean a handful of things; drama, romance, winners, losers, and a whole lot in between!