They Meet

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"Goodbye, Sarah" Julia said sadly but wanting to protect her family. Not very far away... "Goodbye Mom" Lilac said sadly. Both girls are demigods running away from home to protect their families from many evil creatures such as a spiny tailed lion with huge razor sharp teeth or the falcon with four heads.

Both took off running trying to catch the 5 ockle bus. Sitting in the very back the didn't say a word until a hidden creature hopped on. "(Gasps)" both girls said in unison. They knew they would be followed if they got off so as soon as the next stop came they got off still being followed. After they were out of sight the old women turned into beasts with fur, huge claws, and teeth as big as their heads. With fear they started running but the mystical creatures suddenly flew right in front of them.They took positions being surrounded they were back to back. Julia leaped into the aroud falling into a thunder cloud she made with close by water. Lilac took a second and started sucking out the soles out of the beast which helped Julia make lightning shoot out of her cloud and electrocut the beasts.

Scaring them off and killing one of them the girls started to stare at each other realizing they had more in common than they thought. "You," Lilac said scared and mad.

"You.. you're just..." Julia stuttered.

"Like me." Lilac finishing her sentence. They had both never seen anyone else like them so, this was a bit of a shock. "Hades."

"Zeus" Julia replied knowing her question. "What can you do? I could tell that you can suck soles but, seriously?"

"I suck soles and make everyone who isn't immune to me angry. You?" Lilac said untrusting.

"As you just saw I make clouds and sometimes lightning. What's your name?" Julia asking curios.

"Lilac. What's your name?"

"Julia. Do you want to talk up in the clouds it's beautiful in the mornings?" Julia asked hoping she could trust Lilac.

"Sure." Lilac replied making a huge leap of trust for her.

Julia and Lilac flew high up into the dark morning clouds covering a bursting sun rise with red, pink, orange, yellow, and golden specks of the rising sun. Looking down Lilac sees many shades of light green and dark green with specks of red, brown, and orange leafs. "Wow it's beautiful up here. Do you fly often?" Lilac asked mesmerized.

"I only come up here when I need to clear my head." Julia replied amused.

"Well you're lucky all I can do is harm people." Lilac said frustrated.

"Don't worry you just have to learn to control your powers around mortal." Julia said trying to comfort her.

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