when the hell did u get here!?!

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-Linx pov-
We were all chillin on the couch eating tacos from taco bell and taking a little break when there was knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Charlie said the patted my leg getting up.

We all went silent waiting to hear who was at the door, expecting it was a fan it was someone else.

"Hey hey hey! Its big funny!" We heard and our eyes grew huge.

"When the hell did you get here, how did you get here?" J-dog asked

"I took a lot of busses and then I found you here from Anny's constant twitter updates saying you were at taco bell."

Everyone turns and looks at Anny who was in the middle of typing something, she looks up.


"You seriously tweeted out our location?" J-dog said in disbelieve

"I'm sorry." She said putting her hands up

"And jess I'm sorry about what happened." Funny said hanging his head down

"Its ok, I'm fine now." I said biting into my taco

Charlie came and sat next to me putting his arm over my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

--- later that night ---

Me and charlie were in the back trying to sleep. After a couple of minutes charlie started snoring and I laid in the dark. That's when I heard whispering.

"Psst! Jess come here." It was funny.

I got out of my position and walked to funny

"What?" I whispered

"Can we take a walk?" He asked

"Sure let me out on my pants and grab my coat." I said

I finally got ready and went outside were he was waiting for me.


Cliff hanger mwuhaahahahahahHaahhahahhahahhaaa-*starts coughing* *clears throat* anyway I'm going to bed nite!

Love YOU


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