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I get in the shower and wince as the hot water pelts my skin. The stupid party is tonight 

I get dressed in a band t-shirt and a ripped pair of black jeans. I put on a light layer of foundation  to cover the fading purple mark on my cheek and I grab my headphones and phone. I hear clattering and clanking of dishes and my heart jumps. Shit. He's awake. I quietly make my way to the door – channeling my inner ninja. I hear footsteps and I move faster. I feel a hand grab my shoulder and I shriek. I try to wiggle out of his grasp but ultimately fail, leaving me 

"Where do you think you're going you worthless bitch?" He spits. I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"School" I reply quietly

He slaps me and rams his knee into my stomach.

"Stupid bitch" He says as he walks away into the kitchen.

Now is my chance to get out. I pull myself up and make my way outside. I hear yelling and the door open. I start to run.

"Get the hell back here you worthless slut!" He screams.

I run to the bus stop, I can't cry. I just can't. My vision blurs and I keep running until I hit something hard. Again.

Damnit. A few tears roll down my cheeks allowing me to see again and I look up at a smirking Luke. His smirk fades as he sees me.

"Damn, what the hell happened?" He's looking at my cheek. Oh fuck. There is a mark from where he slapped me. Crap.

"It's um, uh, nothing." I reply as I side step him and walked over to where the bus was loading. I walk all the way to the back of the bus where Keana was and I sit down.

She takes one look at me and says "Oh my gosh, Emma what happened"

I break down and tell her everything. I tell her about my mom dying in a car accident when I was 13 and how my dad became an alcoholic and how I used to cut. I tell her how he beat me up and how he hit me this morning.

She's in tears and so am I. The bus comes to a stop in front of the school just as I finish. I get off the bus with Keana and we run to the bathroom.

I wipe away my tears and add a small amount of makeup by my eyes to hopefully hide the redness and obviousness that I was crying. I walk out into the hallway to my locker and I see Luke talking to Michael and Calum and looking at me. Had he heard me talking to Keana on the bus?

-----Skip to Lunch----

I walk into the cafeteria and find Brianna and Jade (My so-called friends). They stop talking and look at me like I'm trash.

"Why are you sitting with us? Get away from our table. We don't want to deal with your daddy issues." Brianna deadpans.

Jade and some other random girl snicker and I look at her with utter disbelief.

I get up with tears in my eyes and walk out of the cafeteria. I make my way outside and over to the tree that I usually sit under to see Keana already there patiently waiting for me. She smiles at me when I sit down and we talk for a while about what happened but then Calum appears.

"So the little princess is having daddy issues? How sad" Calum teases with a fake pout on his face.

"I don't blame him for not wanting you. You're just a worthless fat ass" He adds.

My eyes are watering and I can tell Keana is getting mad.

"Aww look the little princess is too scared to speak. Ha. You really ARE pathetic" He spits.

"Listen here you asshole, why don't you go somewhere else because nobody gives two flying fucks about what you have to say! You need to fucking grow a pair and leave her the hell alone because what happens in her personal life isn't any of your goddamn business." Keana yells as she stands up and clenches her fists.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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