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Cara's POV

Fuck everything. Fuck school. Fuck my parents. I'm so done.

I never wanted to go to college. Hell I don't even know what I'm majoring in and my grades are literally shit. I was a good student in high school and got good grades.

But decided I didn't want to spend another 4 years in school. My parents though other wise and now here I am sitting in my English 4 class that I'm practically failing.

Only good thing to this class is the hot teacher. Mr.Grier. Tall, muscular and only 22 compared to my age of 18. He's the full package including the cocky attitude all the girls drool over.

While in thought, he looks up at me.

"Cara" he snaps. I don't give him my attention and continue to look off.

Not until he stands in front of me and slams his hand on my desk is when I give him my attention.

"Cara" he whispers slowly

"What" I say back with a snarky attitude.

"Do your work before you get punished" he says with a smirk.

"As if" I say with a disgusted face right as the bell rings. I grab my bag and stand up to leave.

Something grabs my wrist.

Looking back its Mr.grier.

"Let go" I snap back as he stands there with a look of cockiness on his face.

He calls after me as I rush out the door.

Once outside the building, I take a breath and walk till I feel a slap on my ass.

The one and only Shawn Mendes.

"Mendes" I laugh as he swings his arm over my shoulders.

"Come on cara it's slap ass Friday" he tells me with a goofy smile.

I've know Shawn since freshman year of college. We've always been good friends and fuck buddies for a while.

He has a crush on me as I've heard.

I do too because come on look at him.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asks.

"Nothing, nada, no plans" I say with a laugh as Shawn chuckles at me.

"Well would you like to go to dinner with me tonight?" He asks with a hopeful look.

I thought for a second about it. Shawn is the kind of person i would date and plus he is on the football team.

"Yes I would love too Shawn"

"Great I'll pick you up at 8" he says as he walks to his car as I walk home.

I continue walking as I feel a pair of eyes on me the whole way home.

professor// Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now