Chapter five -the girl and boy from the past

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This chapter, there will be many switches between groups. Please do not be confused. If you are, I swear you only need to ask in comment.

Dipper held Mabel closer, brushing his lips over her neck, bringing goosebumps up her arms. "Brother," Mabel whispered, closing her eyes tightly. Her fingers wrapped around his dress shirt. His hand were on her waist, his nails bringing thin marks under her blazer. She nudged him away and laughed, disappearing into blue mist. He glared where she was before, disappearing as well.

Bud Pines waved cheerfully and said, "we had a great day today! Go 'head and pick something from the gift shop!"

Gideon automatically ran to the blue hats and picked one of the Pine Tree baseball caps, situating it on his head. "A hat," he whispered.

Pacifica looked around the gift shop, finally looking in a box full of books. Sifting through it, she found the thing she wanted. "A grappling hook!" She cried, pointing it in the air. She pressed the button and it shot into a wood board. She pressed the button again, and she was pulled into the board and she screamed.

"I got her," Soos said, reaching up and untying the grappling hook from the wood and pulling her down.

The girl's eyes shot open. "Brandon," she rolled over and shook him. "We're back in Reverse Falls!" She pulled her fan from her coin purse, hitting him on the forehead.

"Ow!" Brandon covered his forehead and pinned her to the ground. "That hurt, Ofelia!"

"You were not opening your eyes! I thought you were dead..." Tears flew free and down her pale cheeks. She shuddered, the humidity finally setting in. She pulled at her purple corset, loosening it a little.

She looked around and caught the eyes of a boy with spiky blue hair and a black eyepatch over his right eye. It had a white closed eye with a bright blue eye over it. Said boy squeaked and hid in the brush. Brandon followed Ofelia's gaze and caught the boy's head go into the bush. "Stop! Hey!" The two teenagers scrambled to their feet, rushing to the brush.

A small voice stopped them. "Now, who would you be?" Mabel asked as they turned to face her.

"Uh, my name's Ofelia Snelfr and this is Brandon Frowel. Who're you?"

"Mabel Gleeful," Mabel greeted, bowing. "You seem to be from quite some time ago." She motioned to Ofelia's corset and overcoat. Her lace up boots were a muddy brown. "Darlin'." Mabel smiled, shaking her head.

"Well, it is 1897, right?" Brandon asked.

At this, Mabel chuckled. "Hol' on, dears. You mean to tell me that you're supposed to've been dead for over 100 years?"

"Well, what year is this? What're you wearing?" Ofelia's eyes were wide and her face was red with blush.

"Oh, my outfit?" Mabel asked. She smiled. "Well, I could be worse. I could be wearing these really short shorts that other girls wear...or the swim suits many wear when they're going swimming. It's humid up here in summer."

"Well," Brandon whispered. "W-what year is it?"

"2016," Mabel said. "June 12."

Gideon watched the ever fleeting eyes of the gnomes from the week before. "The gnomes hate me," he said to Pacifica. She nodded.

"Gid, where art thou common sense?"

"You suck at that," Gideon pointed out. She nudged him, knocking him over. "Pacifica!" Gideon cried.

"Gideon!" Pacifica whined, mimicking her cousin.

"Shut up, Paz!"

"Woah, woah, kids," Robbie said, pushing the teens apart. "What's up with you two?"

"She acts like the journal I found is girly," Gideon growled.

"It is!"

"No it's not!"
Dipper appeared behind Will Cipher, where he was in the brush. "Hey," he whispered next to Will's ear. Will, fearful of the voices of 'Amulets', leapt from the brush cover. Tripping over himself, he accidentally shifted back into the bright blue triangle he originally was, then shifting back. Ofelia squealed and hid behind Brandon. Will crashed into a tree, then crumpling to the grass, out cold.

"Dipper, did you frighten the poor demon?" Mabel asked. Dipper appeared from behind a tree.

"Maybe, maybe not." Dipper shrugged as he crossed to his sister. She leaned against her brother, letting him wrap his arms around her.

"He's really not to be feared. He's a wimpy demon," Dipper said.

"A-am no- okay, yeah, I am." Will was slightly awake, being too weak to even sit up. He closed his eyes again.

"D-demon?" Ofelia stuttered.

"Yeah," Mabel answered. "He used to be feared and stuff. He killed people until about six years ago, was it?"

"Ah, yes. When we overpowered the poor Cipher," Dipper said.


"Oh, well, maybe not that word," Mabel said. "More like, he's a scaredy cat when lil' old us are near."

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