Part 1; It's Started...

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*Rosa's P.O.V*

Today was one of those days I wish I wouldn't actually be here for. I can hear them shouting already and I hate it when they argue because in no doubt it will come back to me and I didn't like it when that happened. I walk around my small room and pick up my phone and plug in my earphones and listen to a beat and allow myself to bob my head along to the music, it took away some of the pain I felt inside. I look down to my arm and see tiny little white scars, it looks like I'm trying to play join the dots; but I'm not! I look at my watch and see it's 10am and that I should be on my way to dance class. I sigh and walk to my bed and reach down the side and bring out my secret stash of money and bring out at least £10. I smile to myself as dance was what I looked forward to in my life and yes I do have to pay for it myself. I put my joggers on and a top that went off the shoulder and shoved my hair into a messy bun. I put on my favourite pair of converse, grabbed my dance bag and tried to sneak away.

I snuck out my room on the top floor and crept along the landing and listened, they didn't seem to close to the front door so that is a definite plus. I'm not asking them for a lift; I've learned to stay away from them when they argue, but going to dance is one thing they hated and would try anything to stop me from going. I put one foot in front of the other and quietly travelled down each step. I leaned forward to hear their conversation, I wish I never in fact
"You wonder why we can't afford a nice lifestyle, you wonder? You should bloody know, It's that bloody daughter of yours" my dad sneered towards my mum.
"My daughter, she is yours too Daniel, it's your fault as well, I did not want a daughter but no you couldn't help yourself could you, thanks for that" my mum shouted back at him. It just conformed that both did not want anything to do with me, it's not a surprise if I am honest. I took a deep breath and tried to get rid of that heartbreak in heart and left my house and made the trip to my dance class, my only place where I felt happy.

I arrived at dance and found out that today we were doing an hour class on jazz and the second hour on street dance, let me just say my day was made right there and then. The beat made me get carried away and I danced my heart out and before I knew it my dance class was over and it was 12. I sighed knowing I had to go back home. I said goodbye to my friends and grabbed my dance bag and trudged myself out the door and into the rain. I think I walked all of an hour when I could hear music emanating from a building. I smiled to myself at the music being played and rushed over and looked into the buildings small window and saw 7 people and 1 familiar individual dancing their hearts out. I stood there in awe, they looked so happy, so carefree, I wished I could dance like that.

I looked around and saw a small ledge opposite the building where I was standing. I walked over and plonked myself down and crossed my legs over the ledge and brought out my lunch and began to watch their moves. I did not mind that it was raining, it was as if I was in there with them, being in the same room as them and being in the presence of artistry.

I don't know how long I was out there for until I looked at my watch and noticed I had been out there for 8 hours. I looked to my phone and saw I had 19 missed calls from my dad; let's say I am in deep trouble now. Noises brought my eyes away from my now wet phone and made me look up; I saw someone familiar and a taller guy with a shaved side head and the last one was extremely tall and wore a hat, they were all laughing to themselves and I found myself laughing with them too. It was going so well until I dropped my phone and it made the loudest noise it could possibly make, I looked back up and saw the 3 of them staring at me. I stared at them with panic in my eyes, I grabbed my stuff and ran home, not even waiting to hear their replies.

I arrived home to hear my dad storming over to me demanding where I had been, who I'd been with and I was so late. I looked him straight in the eyes and replied
"I've been at dance dad, like I always do on these days" he didn't look happy
"YOU LIAR, HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME YOU UNGRATEFUL WITCH" He screamed in my face, as his fist came back and straight for my face. I didn't have time to move, so he caught me right in the eye. I looked at him and ran up the stairs away from him and slammed the door, I wished I never had them as parents....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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