Ayla's Been Captured?!

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*~*~*~*Ayla's POV*~*~*~*

"Megatron has desecrated the resting place of our fallen ancestors, and his own." Ratchet said.

"Not even the dead are free from his warmongering..." Optimus said solemnly.

"At last, symbiosis. I can feel it. I have complete control over my army." Megatron said to himself. He then looked down at me, feeling a slight uneasy feeling coming from me. His chassis then shook. "DESTROY THEM!" he yells, clenching his left hand into a fist.

"Optimus, if our combatants are already deceased, how can we possibly defeat them?!" Ratchet asked.

"Ratchet, retreat! Bridge yourself back to base!" Optimus ordered.

"No, I shall stand with you, Optimus. You may require a medic when this is over with." Ratchet said. He then ran at the undead warrior with his medical blade, and cut off an arm or two. "I recommend dissection. The smaller the pieces, the better." he said.

"Sound advice, old friend." Optimus said, then switched his blaster out for his swords/blades.

"I have mastered Dark Energon. When you fall, Optimus, you too shall join my army." Megatron said. He then looked down at me, felt how weak I was getting, then picked me up and put me in his subspace/cockpit. I then laid down in the safety of his cockpit, all the while growing weaker still.

"Optimus, this prolonged exposure to Dark Energon is sapping our strength." the medic warned his leader.

"We cannot falter now." Optimus answered. He was then piled on by a bunch of the undead warriors.

"Optimus!" Ratchet yelled. He was then also attacked by the undead warriors and was being beaten up by them and piled onto. Optimus then broke through those that were on him, then attacked them. He then went to help Ratchet out of his confrontation with the undead warriors that were beating him.

"After all these years, Optimus, still at the top of your game?" He asked. "My legion, finish them!" Megatron yelled. I can feel his voice vibrate the area I was in. Optimus then defeated all of the undead warriors with Ratchet's help. "Bravo, Optimus. Though this is but a prelude. You may wish to save your strength for the main event!" Megatron said.

Optimus then began to climb the steep rocky outcrop that Megatron was standing on. "You will not prevail, Megatron. Not while energon still flows through my veins." Optimus said while breathing heavily.

"Fitting, for it is Dark Energon which flows through mine." Megatron said, then transformed with me in his cockpit, and spinning while Optimus shot at him. I was going everywhere in the cockpit area.

*~*~*~*Megatron's POV*~*~*~*

'I don't know why, but I have a feeling I need to protect this girl. I sense something from her.' I thought. I then reached my ship, and took her to the medbay where Knockout was.

"To what do I owe the honor, Lord Megatron?" Knockout asked. 

"I need you to help this girl." I told him as I brought her out of my subspace/cockpit.

"A human?! Why?" he asked.

"Just do it!" I yelled as I handed her to him. 'Now, time to go see what Starscream was up to.' I thought to myself.

I figured out that he failed to await my command.

"Please, Lord Megatron, I meant no-ARGH!" Starscream screamed as I threw him.

"I ordered you to await my command! And instead, your mindless agenda resulted in the disabling of my ship, and the delay of my plans!" I yelled.

"My intentions were pure, Master! I only wanted you to be rid of Optimus." he said, shielding his faceplate.

"No one rids me of Optimus Prime but me! Do you understand? DO YOU?!" I yelled as I stomped my foot down on his chest and side of his face.

"Lord Megatron, I will make things right! I swear! I know how to set your plans back on course!" he said.

I grabbed him by the neck and picked him up. "Explain, Starscream. Quickly." I said. He then explained. I then got a comm from Knockout once he was done explaining.

::Lord Megatron. You may want to come to the medbay. It's about the girl.:: he said.

"On my way." I replied.

Once I got there, Knockout approached me. "Lord Megatron, I think what we may be looking at is your daughter, Ayla. I took a sample of her blood, added a drop of regular energon to it, and it then turned to a dull dark energon. I then tested the sample, and readings were a direct match to you, and the name Ayla showed up on the screen for who's it is. I believe your daughter never died, but was sent to Earth by Primus after Optimus 'killed' her and lived as a human for a good 20 years. Also, it says her real age is 20,000,000 years old now, 4,500,000 years greater from when we thought she died. This is your Joint Leader, my Liege. She's alive." Knockout said.


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