Chapter 3: More Nightmares!?!

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You woke up to Hinto shaking you. "WAKE UP SIS THERE IS A FIRE! WAKE UP WAKE UP!" I shot up. Grabbed him clicked a button and jumped out a window. "RUN TO THE RIVER ILL MEET YOU THERE" i yelled at him. He took off into the woods. I ran into the burning building and grabbed a bag. I grabbed a picture of our old family and two wrapped gifts. They were from our parents.
I ran to the river the bag bouncing behind me. As soon as i saw Kisshu i jumped in front of Hinto in my mew form. "KISSHU STAY AWAY!" i screamed. I pulled out my sword and muttered "flame cannon" it hit Kisshu dead on and he disapeared. He disapeared just as the other mews showed up.
We stayed at Zoe's place for now. I cooked dinner and we soon fell asleep.
You ran into your burning house as you saw the crushed and scorched bodies of your parents, your older brother, and younger sister. You hear the scream of baby Hinto and run up the flaming steps to get him. You felt the burning wood crash down on your arm. You felt your skin blister, but you kept running you quickly grabbed your baby brother and jumped out the window, as tears ran down your face.
~~~flashback end~~~
"NOOO!" i yelled as i grabbed my arm. A severe headache took over and i grabbed my head just as Zoe and the other mews came in. "y/n are you ok?" they all said in sync.

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