Capter 2: Parents? Oh I Have None!

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Y/n p.o.v
I woke up in a pink room 'eww'. I realized that i wasnt home with Hinto. "CRAP" i yelled to noone in particular. I ran out the door and through the warm hallway. I ran down the steps, tripped, and ran into someone. "oops sorry" i said as i continued running.
The girl followed after me. Kisshu then apeared in front of me with... "HINTO!" I shouted. "hahaha looks like my weapon wants her only family left. Hahaha." tears streamed down my face. The girls all caught up to us. "oh go cry to mommy and daddy little weapon. Oh wait thats right, theyre dead" he said with a smirk. The girls looked confused. "she doesnt have parents?" zoey asked bridget. "i guess not" bridget replyed with a frown. "give. Him. Back." i said with a demonly growl. "not unless you show me your true power." he laughed evily. I grabbed my necklace and held it tightly. "Mew mew Siren, fire-fox mewtimorphisis. Mew aqua mode" i formed to mew me but had a scyth. "witch hunter" i said before lounging into the air swinging my scyth back. Just before i hit him with witch hunter he dropped Hinto into mew Zoeys arms and disapeard saying "bye mew mews". I landed on the ground with a crash. 'I bent the earth a little oops' i thought. I walked over to zoey and grabbed unconcious Hinto and started walking home. You got home and had dinner by yourself. Hinto was still unconcious on the chair beside you. You cleaned up dinner just as Hinto woke up. You and him were tired so you desided to go to bed. You two slept in the same room for safety reasons. At that you fell into a deep death-like slumber.

Kisshu x Reader (A TMM love and hate story)Where stories live. Discover now