The Avengers' Party

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Ava's party dress will be on Polyvore, the code is 'Avery Rogers - The Avenger's Party' and what she had originally picked out is under the code 'Ava - before party'

Avengers: The Age of Ultron | Saviours | The Avenger's Party

"We need to get you ready." Natasha said, looking up at Avery from the bed with an expecting look. She took in what clothing the dark-haired woman wore, and frowned, "Oh, no, no way, you are not wearing that." She declared with a shake of her head, hating Ava's bad choice of clothing for the Avengers' party. Natasha was already wearing her outfit and this consisted of a knee-length black and white dress that conveniently showed some cleavage, her heels were beet red and her lips glistened with a cherry color.

Ava tilted her head, confused at why her clothing decisions were so terrible. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" She questioned, looking down at the attire. She wore her usual pair of black jeans, a forest green tank top, and a black jacket. She wore a pair of sneaker heels to go with it too and her hair was bundled in a pony tail.

Natasha raised an eyebrow, lifting herself from the bed where she had waited. "What you're wearing - it's something you wear every day." She said, before tilting her head. Thinking to herself, 'What could I get her to wear?' she thought. Ever since their talk a couple of days ago, there's been a mutual understanding between the two. Natasha had always wanted to have a girlfriend, so why not have Ava as one? They had a lot in common, they've been through a lot (not really the same things, but the point still stood) and they've basically known each other for over twenty years. Besides, a friendship has to start somewhere, right?

"But ... I like wearing clothes like this..." Ava spoke slowly, narrowing her eyes suspiciously at the redhead - trying to figure out what the woman was thinking. "So, again. Why can't I wear this? This isn't really a formal thing, is it?" The party just sounded like a get-together to celebrate getting the scepter back, why would you need to wear anything more than this?

Natasha rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, "Because..." She drawled, like what she was saying was going to be the most obvious point of all, "...If you go to that party looking like I do - you'll have Bucky practically drooling, he'll be peeling your clothes off with his eyes." She smirked, finally getting a good dress idea in mind and she knew exactly where to get it. Lucky enough she had her own room in the tower for when the Avengers' weren't able to go home. 'That dress will look perfect on her' she thought.

"No." Ava shook her head, not liking the idea. "I don't like it."

Natasha gave her a hardened look, one that a mother would give to her daughter when she didn't want to wear something specific. "Trust me, Ava." She countered. "You will."

Avery gave up quickly, sighing. "Fine." She said, shaking her head. Maybe it would be nice to dress up? It's been so long since she last did, the last time had been on the dancing date with James back in 1939.

Yesterday had been quite a day; after her breakdown in front of the boys, they asked her specifically where she wanted to go, knowing that it would be best to divulge everything in her head within a place where she felt most comfortable. So, she chose Central Park, and at her spot right by the lake overlooking nearly every part of the area. She talked, and they listened for hours. The two boys took turns giving questions, but sometimes she didn't say anything - simply because she wasn't able to yet think about it, let alone speak out it. And that was quite a lot of things. She mostly talked about all the killings she had been made to do and some of the things that were done to her, excluding the full details of course. No one's ever prepared to hear terrible things like those done to the person you love.

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