• chapter three

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Throughout Hayden's high school experience, he noticed the lingering stares girls would give him. He noticed the side glances and the impressed look he would get when Grey introduced him to his new girlfriend.

But Hayden chose to ignore it. And if they didn't act on it, why should he? It didn't matter how many stares he got in public. No matter who the girl was or how pretty she looked. Maybe he just knew what he wanted already.

Meeting Caitlyn, he couldn't help but compare her to Rachel. He knew it was wrong of him, as she was her own person, and so was Rachel. But Hayden was dumbstruck by how different Caitlyn was, and list was long and ongoing.

Not only was Caitlyn model tall, she had the body for it too. Rachel wasn't short by any means, they were just different. Caitlyn had a big chest and a petite body with long dark hair.

Rachel's hair was strawberry blonde and a tangly mess. He wondered if she did it on purpose or if her hair was naturally that tangled. He wanted to know what it felt like to comb his hands through her hair.

"So -- have you guys known each other for long?" The girl asked.

Hayden snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his friend for an answer.

"Oh a long time. I think we met on the first day of six grade?" Grey said, leaning into Caitlyn as he spoke.

Hayden could sense that Grey did not want to talk about him anymore. He left the two of them to their own devices and wandered around the courtyard. The couple didn't seem to mind much that he had left, in fact, they hadn't even noticed.

It was lunchtime and he was in the courtyard, that's where he spent most of his lunch at. Most people liked eating in the courtyard because it was outside and there was a lot of space, or that the food trucks were always parked here.

Hayden decided to get in line as he was starving for something to eat. Today they were serving some kind of specialty sandwich. Hayden had become quite fond of sandwiches lately. He gazed around as he waited and his eyes landed on a girl.


It was like he was searching for her. After all the experience he had spotting her in a crowd, it was no surprise he could find her now. Rachel was laughing at something her friend said, her head was tilted back and she seemed genuinely happy. Hayden had been worried recently that there was something wrong with her. It upset him knowing she was upset. But after recent events, he was sure she was back to normal.

Hayden didn't like to admit it, but he knew why he liked it here so much. Rachel's friends all sat outside and he knew she would also be here. A normal person wouldn't know so much about a girl that he hardly knew.

But this was Rachel, his Rachel, and Hayden had strong feelings for her.

The line moved up and he noticed Grey step beside him.

"Hey." Grey said, with a strange look on his face.

Hayden looked at his best friend, trying to figure out what happened. "Where did the girlfriend go?"

He swore he saw Grey's eyes light up as he started to talk about Caitlyn. "She said she had to go turn in a report for newspaper. She's in newspaper, did I tell you that? She's great, isn't she? She just transferred here and she's already so involved in everything."

Hayden nodded his head, trying to seem happy for his friend.

He wished he could talk about Rachel like that someday.


Short chapter today! I'll try to update soon again, I promise!

I just don't know how often I can as I'm starting my junior year of high school this week. I can't believe how quickly this summer has gone by. I enjoyed it while it lasted, I just hope I don't have to much work waiting for me at school.

As always, thank you so much for the support and for taking the time to read my book! It means a lot!!

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