Ch.8 Take A Chance

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  Paige grunts in frustration when the noises downstairs get louder and louder by the minute. Paige has been laying in bed for 10 minutes trying to go back to sleep, but all the ruckus downstairs is keeping her awake. She figured that everyone was awake already since this morning she woke up to find Emily gone from the bed. With a heavy sigh she got up to head downstairs. 

When Paige went downstairs she was met with a pleasant sight. Emily was on the couch laughing hysterically, her hands covering her eyes while tears poured out from laughing too much, and everyone else huddling over the kitchen sink washing their faces. Paige smiles at the memory of drawing on the others faces. She walks over to sit near Emily. 

Once she sits next to Emily, Emily notices the shift in weight of the couch and looks up to see Paige. Emily gives her a big smile. "Morning." Emily says energetically. Paige responds with a tired mumble "Morning." back. She looks back at everyone huddled at the kitchen sink and smirks. "So our plan went pretty well huh?" Paige asks. Emily smiles broadly and nods.

"So how much trouble are we in?" Paige asks, Emily just smirks to her. "What?" Paige asks, confused. Emily's smirk just gets even wider. "I think you mean to ask how much trouble are you in." Emily says with a grin on her face. Paige just stares back at Emily, confusion all over her face. But before she can speak she's interrupted by a mix of people shouting her name. She turns to the sounds, which leads her facing the kitchen. Her eyes are met with everyone's face red in anger and from scrubbing their faces too hard, their eyebrows are furiously scrunched together, and all their eyes are shooting daggers at Paige.

Then finally everything clicks for Paige. The reason why no one is shooting Emily dagger eyes, the reason why Emily said Paige should be scared, the reason why she woke up to a non-harmed Emily, it was all because she was the one going to be harmed. As everything clicks into place, Paige slowly turns to look at Emily, the girl that now had the biggest grin Paige has ever seen before. Paige's mouth hangs open at the discovery of Emily's evil new side. "Evil." Paige mouths to Emily while slowly shaking her head, only making Emily's smirk even bigger.

"We are going to kill you." Paige's attention was turned back to the group in the kitchen when Hanna spoke. A smirk playing on her face and the others. Hanna turns around and heads to the fridge, followed by Wren, Lucas, and Aria making them out of view of Paige's sight. Paige nervously looks to Emily, giving her a 'what the fuck is going on?' look, Emily just smirks and mouths "Revenge." and with that Emily turns around to grab something behind her.

"With whipped cream." Hanna says. "We are going to kill you with whipped cream." Paige looks at their hands and notices that every person is holding a can of whipped cream spray cans in both hands. She looks back to Emily to see her also with whipped cream spray cans in both hands, both of the caps off the bottles and aimed towards her. "Any last words?" Emily asks her.

Paige holds a finger up in front of Emily. "Well exactly I-" Paige abruptly cuts off as she grabs a pillow next to her and swings it towards Emily's face, once the pillow made contact with Emily's face Paige bolted up and ran towards the stairs. She made it about half way up the stairs before hearing Emily yell "Get her!" then that was followed by a series of people's running footsteps coming after her. 


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