How It All Started

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(don't get confused by the bold letters, I just bold every sense of emotion)

"would you like to say something"
i look at the instructor for at least a minute before giving in to his offer. I've been throwing my problems to the side for to long. I stand up and throw my hair into a sloppy ponytail and walk over to the podium.

"my name is Teala, and i have been abused, confused & just. I'm tired and I know I need help.. it all started when..."
"see there goes those crazy white people again, shooting up schools and taking that stuff" my ignorant mom says violently. "you ought to be happy I don't let you hang out with those types of people"

"exactly, people. why does race even matter, it's 2015. wake up." I say before my cheek starts heating up.

"don't you ever speak to me that way EVER. Get the hell out of my face before I hit you again only this time it will be my fist you ugly piece of shit"

I run to my bedroom and lock the door and its the same routine. Cry, Cut, Clean up. Cry, Cut, Clean up. Only this time I keep cutting. I'm so done with being abused. I'm so done with my father not wanting me, I'm so done with no one ever loving me. I'm so fucking done with everything. without even thinking I keep cutting and All of a sudden. everything turns black.


I wake up to seeing my own blood, an IV, and an ugly ass ceiling. I'm in a damn hospital. again. I swear these people have to know my entire case by heart.

"Hey sleeping beauty" said Dr.Shepherd. He's my personal doctor, he knows my whole situation, he's like my father. I sneak and pretend I go to the library but really I go over to his house and chill with him and his wife Meredith and he's the only one I'll let near me. Plus he's really freaking cute so.

"I'm so sorr-" I try say to him apologetically but I'm cut off.

"don't even begin to tell me you're sorry,  I've told you plenty of times to speak up about this. you have to stop hurting yourself because you're being hurt. you're stronger than this. you're stronger than her. you're stronger than what your mind tells you. you're stronger than these needles and ugly ceilings" he chuckles and so do I. "I'm gonna go now and get your dispatch papers. Do you need me to hold off or are you okay to go now?"

"where's my mom?" I wonder.

"she dropped you off and left back out. your aunt Elizabeth and her son Hash or something like that, they're out there waiting on you"

"I'll go now" I said with a breath of relief. My aunt Elizabeth and her son Nash take me in most of the time when my mom is either to drunk or delusional to function. Elizabeth is my moms half sister. Elizabeth is white. my mom is a complete racist and I never understood why.

-- 10 min later

I'm greeted with a warm welcome and I feel at home.
"I love you guys so much and I thank you for being here for me" I say to my aunt and Nash before I hear tiny footsteps run up to me.
"TEWAH" yells Skylynn before she jumps into my arms. it hurts like shit but I won't show my pain. I'm pretty good at that.
"sweet heart get down" aunt Elizabeth says concerned.
"she's fine" i say back.  "so Skylynn. what have you been up to?" I say disappearing up the steps with her on my hip.

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