✵Rei's Secret✵

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Hey guys it's me Takara so I have been requested to make a beautiful book of one shots for one of my OTP's Reigisa which is Rei x Nagisa (if yah didn't kno). My friend CosmicCalico asked me to make it so I did hope you all like it. This is also a little gift for GETTING ME TO 100 FOLLOWERS I FEEL SO LOVED THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


Beep beep.

Rei checked his phone to see that it was a text from Nagisa.

From Nagisa~kun:

Hey Rei~chan can you help me study for the exams, I really need the help!

Rei contemplated on his answer. His exams were really close and he really needed to study if he wanted to pass.

To Nagisa~kun:

Sure I guess.

Rei received the message not even seconds until after he sent it.

From Nagisa~kun:


Well that was quick. Rei thought and grinned to himself thinking of how his blonde friend was eager to leave his sister filled house.

To Nagisa~kun:


"Well I might as well tell him today." Rei said to himself.

Today was the day Rei had been dreading ever since he met Nagisa. He was going to 'come out' to Nagisa. He didn't want to tell Haruka and Makoto yet. Rei thought Nagisa would be easy on him since they've been very close friends for a long time ever since he joined the swim team. Rei started to develop close feelings for him but denied it since Nagisa was his friend and he couldn't ruin their friendship over this.

"Rei, Your father and I are going to run some errands we will be back later! Goodbye!" Rei's mother called out before slamming the door.

"Great this is going to be easier, now that my parents are gone... I wonder how Nagisa~kun is going to react to this." Rei said to himself once more.

Rei checked the time on his watch until he heard a light knock on his door.

Rei walked to the door and opened it.

"Hi, Rei~chan!" The blonde exclaimed his pink eyes sparkling.

"Hi Nagisa~kun, come in." Rei said.

The blonde ran past Rei holding on to his schoolbag.

He smelled so sweet. Like strawberries.

Rei closed the door and walked to the table and sat in front of Nagisa.

"My parents just left to run an errand and will be back later so right now it's just you and me." Rei said as he pushed his red glasses up.

"Okay." Nagisa said as he was opening his school bag.

"Um, Nagisa~kun I have to tell you something." Rei said choking on every word he said.

"What is it?" Nagisa asked and as he started to put his schoolbooks onto the table.

"It's something I should have told you a long time ago, it's a secret about me..." Rei said as he tried to gather up every ounce of courage he had.

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