Chapter 1

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~Eleanor's Pov~


I bang on my neighbor, Carol's door hoping she was home and would help me. She frantically comes to the door to see me with blood on my hands and tears streaming down my face. She wraps her arm around my back comfortly and pulls me inside the house and checks the street before closing the door behind us. 

"Tell me what happened, dear." she says in the most comforting tone as she could. 

"I-I had to. H-He was going to hurt me." I say in between sobs. 

"You need to leave, Eleanor. You can't let him do this to you anymore. As much as you want to help him and want him to get better, he just won't." She says.

She was the person I could trust most. I told her everything, she was like my second mum. She knew Tom had a drinking problem and she knew this wasn't the first time he had gotten physical with me. 

I slowly nod my head as she rubs circles on my back. "H-He will come after me." I say.

She slowly walks into her bathroom bringing out hair dye. Brunette hair dye to be specific. My hair was currently blonde, it was something I always wanted to try. "If he comes after you, he will be explaining you as a blonde. You need to dye it."  She explains. 

I take a deep breath and nod. She guides me into the bathroom where she dyes my hair. I'll be a brunette Eleanor Calder, this is new. 


I quicken my pace into the train station for I knew he would be following me. He would not rest until he could find me and take me in. I rush over to the ticket booth and order a one way ticket to Doncaster as fast as possible. I grab the ticket and run out into the dark night for the train, literally run. I get to my train car and sit down in the very back and throw my hood over my head and sink down and try not to be noticeable. 

I hear the conductor come over the speaker announcing that we would be departing in five minutes. I keep my head down but occasionally look down the aisle or out the window for him. Paranoia was kicking in. 

Time was ticking and I thought I would actually get out of Manchester without him finding me, that is until I look out the window once more and see him frantically running around the station. I panick when I see him coming for my train car. 

I immediately get  up and rush to the bathroom. I was hoping he would not check the bathroom. I hear his loud, deep voice echo through the train car. "Eleanor?!" he screams and I flinch at the sound of his frightening voice. I slide down the wall and take my knee's to my chest hoping this would end soon and he would leave. 

I hear him groan loudly and his footsteps exit the car and I let out a sigh of relief. I slowly open the door to make sure he was gone and luckily he was. I creep back to my seat in the back and look out the window to see him running from car to car looking for me. I become relieved when I hear it was time for the train to leave. 

I lay my head back on the seat and allow my heart to slow down. I slowly close my eyes and take a deep breath when I feel the train start moving. I let myself drift off into a deep sleep. I knew it wouldn't be long until we arrived in Doncaster. 


I open my eyes to see the darkness still outside and the train coming to a slow stop. I yawn and start to gather my bags. The train fully stops and I step off and look around for my next move. I didn't really have anything planned out.

I had been working my bum off back in Manchester so I have money to survive, but I could only snatch a little without Tom getting me. I carry my bags through the station. I come upon a pay phone and slip a couple coins into it. I look through the registry for a Realtor to call and luckily I find one. I hope I can find a place cheap enough and in a private area.


I follow my Realtor, Jen, I think to a little 'cottage' in the middle of the woods. She told me this was the only place under my standards and in my price range. It definitely was private, for it was in the middle of nowhere. The place looked as if it was going to fall over any day now. The floor boards looked weak and there was no glass on the windows. This place was a total dump but it was the only place available. 

"I'll take it." I say and I could tell she was surprised. 

"Oh, alright well since the building is vacant at the time, it is all yours just sign here." She says and hands me a clipboard and I take the pen to sign and she walks over to her car and drives off.

I sigh and walk into the house with the floorboards creaking after my every step. I mean, it's not bad it justs needs some fixing up....a lot of fixing up. 


A/N: Okay, so Tom is a character of my imagination and none of this really happened in Eleanor Calder's life, it was just the story line. Eleanor is none other than theee Eleanor Calder, Tom is played by Liam Hemsworth :)

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