Chapter 25

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Hello fellow readers. I am back with yet another chapter and this one is kind of a filler with a pretty big cliff hanger at the end, I'm sorry ;( any way here is the chapter enjooooyyy :))))

~Eleanor's Pov~

I nervously run my fingers around the key Carol gave me as Louis and I walk over to the house that holds some of the darkest days of my life.

Louis could tell of my nerves as he snaked his arm around my waist pulling me into his warm embrace. No matter the circumstance, he seemed to always calm me down. But I was weak. Emotionally weak. There is so much waiting for me behind that door and I know some of it I will not be able to handle.

We reach the front of the house and I look to my rose bushes lining the walk way that were now dead. Did I really think he was going to take care of them? No.

I walk up to the front porch to see several newspapers laying off to the side looked as if never to be touched. I pick one up to see the date and see that this particular one was from two months ago. I throw it back down to the ground angrily.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I hear Louis say from beside me.

I look at him and look back to the door waiting in front of me. Without saying anything I slide the key into the door and unlock it. I take a deep breath before opening the door and walking into what could be a big mistake.

I walk into the house and nothing looks any different than before for the most part. Sure there are a lot more beer bottles laying around, but that's only because I wasn't here to clean them up.

I walk around a little bit before I come upon Tom's office. I have never really been in there much because that's where Tom spent most of his time and I never really wanted to be around him. I was scared of him.

I open the creaking door and walk into a complete mess. Several papers scattered around the room but what of? I pick one up and look at it and it seems to be a picture from a surveillance camera. And what was he looking for in the footage? Me. Of course.

I start to pick up more papers and keep finding different pictures of me. Some from the train station, some from the diner in Doncaster, and more. He had done so much research in order to find this stuff.

I look to his desk to see maps with writing all over them, he was tracing almost ever move I made. I knew he was smart, but I never knew he was this smart.

Anger boils inside me as I gather all the papers in my hands and rip them to shreds. Louis stands in the doorway watching me. No amusement in his eyes, nothing. Just watching.

I walk past Louis and out to the kitchen. The place was god awful. Dishes everywhere, he probably hasn't touched the dishwasher since I left. That's when I remember something. I walk over to a cabinet close to the ground and open it up. I move things out of the way until I find what I was looking for. Our knives. I them hidden there because I knew it was somewhere he would never look. Tom didn't like to bend his knees when he didn't have to and I knew he wouldn't be bending his knees to get into a cabinet full of pots and pans because the last time Tom cooked was when his mother was alive.

"Eleanor?" Louis calls for me, breaking me from my thoughts.

I follow his voice and walk out to the dining room to find him staring at the hole in the wall. "What is this from?" He asks.

I look at the hole, and run and my fingers along the ridges of it. Memories coming back to me. "When his mother died, he punched the wall and left this hole here." I pause. "He was so upset. He was broken and there was nothing I could do to fix him. No matter how hard I tried." I feel a tear run down my cheek and fall. "I tried for so long. He wouldn't let me help him."

I feel his hand reach the small of my back trying to comfort me, but I didn't want comforting I wanted to be strong. I move away from him making my way upstairs to where our bedroom was. I open the door to find the bed surprisingly made. I run my fingers along the fabric of the bed spread until I find an envelope with my name written on the front.

I look at the envelope for a few minutes debating on whether or not to open it. I slowly slide my finger under the flap on the envelope lifting it up and ripping it open. I slowly pull the piece of paper out of it and open it up.

As I read along my heart begins to speed up and then stop all together. My voice becomes hitched and gets stuck in my throat all together. This can't be true....

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