episode one million and fifty nine: Carlos

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A third eye looks at you in your sleep, slowly blinking and smiling at how... peaceful you are.

Welcome, to Night Vale.

Today seems so peaceful! I can't believe that as we speak, a tiny civilization of warlike peoples are invading from pin retrieval area of lane five of the desert flower bowling alley arcade and fun complex. I can't believe that the glow cloud and the smiling god are attacking us as I speak. I can't believe what I am about to do and or say and or... um... propose....!

But, before I tell you about that, The breaking news! Which the thing I was going to say is also Breaking News, but station management is writhing around in their office, so let's get to that first, okay?

Old woman Josie says that our third eyes need a check up. She also says that the angels told her this and all that they tell her is true. Well, ummm.... angels aren't real, so... I dunno what to say about that. She says to just go to the the top of the Arby's  sign and scream "Clasteropicath Omegpontificatrention" and the specially trained eye doctors will come get you and take you to get your eye check up.

Wow, it's even a peaceful day for breaking news....

Also, there are new pink helicopters in the sky today.

Well. Now, onto my news!

Now, long time listeners and really anyone who lives is Night Vale should know who my boyfriend is! The handsome and charming Carlos.....!

We are going to... umm... well.. I'm, you know what! I'm going to go do it now!

Until I have my answer,


*recorded sound and sorta muffled*

Hey Cecil, I heard you on NVCR. What's wrong? What's the big news?

I umm... Carlos, can you put the science down?

I guess, I can- woah, Cecil, why the hug?

I want ask you a series of serious questions...

Ask away!

Do you love me?

Of course! Did Steve Carlsburg infultrate your dreams again?

No, no. Who is the man in our relationship?

I don't quite know... You?

I dont know either, just wondering if you knew...

Okay, what else?

Do you wanna get married?

WHAT?! Now or someday?

*pulls out black velvet box*


OhmygodCecil, yes!

*Recording ends*

Well, that's what I was gonna do at dinner tonight, but I couldn't wait!

Well then Night Vale, what do you think?

Umm.. quickly, before the show ends,

The Sheriff's Secret Police urge you t stay away from the Arbys for tonight.

I got to go begin to prepare for a wedding!

Good Night,
Night Vale
Good Night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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