Chapter 1: Caught Me Slippin'

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"Earth to Piaaa!" A familiar voice broke me out of my mental fight between my head and my heart. I looked to my right to find my best friend Anthony looking at me like I had 3 heads.

I shook myself and came back to my senses. "Huh?" He sighed and shook his head.

"Were you listening to a word I was saying Pia?" He crossed his arms and looked at me with a disappointed look.

I looked down sheepishly. "Sorry Anthony. I keep zoning out." He rolled his eyes brown eyes at me.

"Yea Yea Yea, I know what you were doing! You were doing exactly what I think you were!!" I looked at him silently blushing knowing that his thoughts were right on.

"Giiiirrrrl, You were daydreaming about Karate Kid over there! Yesh Gur! I caught you slippin!" Anthony and I both burst into laughter. His gay ways and sassy humor is always the best.

I smile and wipe the tears from my eyes after we got done with our laughing session. We were in dance techniques, everyone was supposed to be in couples brainstorming ideas for our next big performance. (Un)Lucky for Anthony, he has his easily distracted as well as smitten best friend as a partner.

Once we both collected ourselves, Anthony felt satisfied that he had my attention once again and jumped into his pot full of ideas for a great performance. I nodded, making a few suggestions and then told him my ideas. He smiled, his eyes lighting up as we continued our discussion. Dance had always been his passion. Music is general was mine so of course we instantly clicked that faithful day in kindergarten.


I was on the more chubby side with tendencies to become as big as a house on both sides of my family. Plus I was short and stubby. So, of course on the first day of Kindergarden, no one wanted to play with the fat kid, even if that kid was the sweetest one on the playground.

So I, the lonely lil chubby, played alone with crickets and the ants. All the other little girls were afraid, but no, not me. I found comfort in the little critters, they were my only friends for a long time. That all changed when Anthony came to town.

On his first day, he walked straight up to me with a big eccentric smile and introduced himself, without shyness or shame. I shyly smiled back and told him my name. Of course this is all it took for us to instantly click. I mean come on, what else do kindergardeners need to be BFFs, beside a simple hello?

Of course as our friendship grew we found that we had similar tastes in music and even style. As a 5 year old I didn't even catch that the way Anthony acted was considered feminine. All I knew is that he was the coolest and kindest person I had ever met.

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