Chapter 3: Slut?

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Mia screamed in my face and I cringed from her vicious words. I mean was I really the slut? All this time I thought it was her. I looked up at her in her too high heels, and quickly jumped from Thorns arms.

Oh, How did I get myself into this you ask? Well, we crashed the party. We got all dolled up, me in a black strapless dress that ended at alittle above my knee, with red stilettos and jewelry. Anthony went casual, nice blue shirt with black pants and Zene wore a pink jumper and pink heels with a pink bow in her hair. (Basically we were looking HOT!) We walked into the party with swagger, everyone was looking. They didn't really know us so of course they were curious. Some recognized us as the outcasts and sneered, but we kept on strutting.

We danced a little and the night seemed to be be going good......Until a drunk Zene spilt punch on me. I was on my way to the bathroom to clean up before anyone saw me, but with my clumsiness and stilettos on, I slipped and fell right into none other than my crush and Mias boyfriend, Thorn, arms.

He smiled when he caught me. "Where's the fire at?" I giggled shyly, my cheeks turning pink. That's when Mia walked up and blew her top, God I hate life sometimes.

Zene and Anthony ran up to my side as Mia kept yelling at me, calling me names that I'd heard many times before. Anthony put a hand on my shoulder and Z growled ready to knock Mia's light out.

Finally Thorn, who had just been standing there, walked to Mia put an arm around her. "Babe, it was nothing. She almost fell and I caught her. That was it, chill." I flinched at his words, but knew it was for the best.

Mia took a deep breathe and looked at me with a still very angry look in her eyes. "Leave me party, now. You weren't invited." Anthony and I nodded and walked to the door with Z in tow. Before we left the house, I caught a glimpse of Zene giving Mia a very deadly look..... Uh oh.


"Pass me the chips please." I sighed and passed the chips to Anthony absentmindedly. I was leaning against the foot of my bed in baggy pajama pants and a tank top. Zene was laying on my bed, knocked out from her drinking experience at the party. Anthony was sitting next to me watching MTV.

I was staring at the line green walls of my room thinking about the events of the party. I mean how could something go from good to bad so fast?! I was actually having fun tonight, even when I fell in.... his arms, but when Mia showed up it switched just like that.

I can't believe he could stand there and watch his girlfriend dish out such things to another person, and not even say anything. I didn't know he was like that. Gosh, I guess you do have to be a b*tch to get the guy, as Z's grandma always says....... I should really keep that in mind. That thought put a slight smile on my face.

I drifted to sleep with that last thought in my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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