9. I need you

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(Robert P.O.V)

I watched her walked away leaving me on the beach and i was still smiling for no reasons. Not too long after she left me, i walked in to the hotel. When i arrived in the main lobby of the hotel and almost reach the elevator. I saw her in the reception table and she's talking to the receptionist. I'm so curious to know what is she doing there. I walked toward her but still make a space between us. But my distance is still close enough to hear what is she talking about.

"Yea.. i'm gonna make it short. I'll leave tomorrow. If there's any cancellation payment, please let me know" It's all i can hear from her. and i can concluded by my self that she'll leave tomorrow. and it'll probably because of me. I walked away toward the elevator and waiting for her there. After a moment later, i saw she's walking towards me and i'm still hiding near the wall. Just a moment when she's climbed to the elevator, i take a big step and reach to the same elevator with her. She look surprised. "Robert?!" she's a little bit yelling at me. Luckily it's just both of us inside the elevator.

"Are you following me?" She asked me with a not so happy face. "Hm.. i don't want to say it, but.. yes. I'm following you. Sorry for that" i said. she's just smirking and shook her head. "You're insane rob" she said again. "i don't care for what you'll calling me. Why you're leaving? because of me?" I straight in to the question. She's looking down to her feet. Trying not make an eye contact with me. "Yeah.. I just feel bad if i stayed here any longer" "Why?? you're not happy seeing me?" i asked her again when the elevator door is opened. We're both walked out from the elevator and we walked together. "No.. it's not that. I'm just.. It's not feel right rob. for you, me, your girlfriend.. it's just.. make no sense" "why it's doesn't have any sense for you? because for me it's really means a lot" we almost reach our hotel room. and she's stopped her step. "but we can't do it. we can't do anything for this moment. Doesn't matter how long i stayed here. It's not gonna change everything between us" she said.

"If it's only because of my girlfriend. Forget it! i could just called her now and broke up with her" "No!! you're so fucking asshole if you're doing it" she's yelling at me. "then why you're leaving when we've chance" "because it's hurting me rob. Seeing you now, talked to you, it's just gonna remind me about us. and it's fucking killing me because i've to realize that you're not mine anymore" she trembling on his words. I knew that she's holding back her tears. I walked a little closer to her and grab her hands. "So does for me Kristen. It's hurt for me too" I'm stroking her hands try to comfort her. She's lift up her face and then looked into my eyes. I'm freeze for that look.

"I have to leave Rob. It's nice to see you here" she said as she pull away her hands from mine. but i hold it and reach for her arms again. I don't want to lose her again. "if you're leave tomorrow, then i guess you should drink with me tonight?" i asked her. "how if it's just gonna turn into something bad Rob?" she asked. "Then.. it'll be our bittersweet memories" i smiled to her and led her way to my room.

I opened my hotel room and turn on the lights. "Beer?" i asked her. "yes please" she's answering me and sit down on the couch. I hand her a beer. "Thanks man" "You're welcome bella" i giggled and we're both burst out laughing for what i'm just saying.

"So.. hows your life?" I asked her. "hm.. sometimes good, sometimes bad. and you?" "me too.." i answered and then take a sipped on my beer. "how is she? your dating a british girl now. It must be very different huh?" she giggled a little. "hmm.. well. yeaah. It's not as crazy as i'm with you. She's more opened with public" i said. "definitely" she's smile. "And you're still with a british right? why? wanna try to find a hotter guy than me?" i'm smirking on her. "Hm... let just say it is. because my first one doesn't end up really well" she's laughing. and hearing her laugh it's makes me feel happy. "It will be well if you gave him another chance" i'm trying to teasing her. "I thought about it a very long time ago before i found out he's having a girlfriend" she said. and i'm not really happy with her answer.

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