30. New Members

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Robert P.O.V

I get out from the car and run quickly towards the lobby. When i enter the lobby, ruth is already there waiting for me. "this way rob" i walk fast following her direction. "How is she?" i asked ruth when we already jump into the elevator. "her contraction now are every 30 minutes. The doctor said we still have to wait" "oh god, my kristen" i said as i rubbed my face with my hands. "i've should come any sooner. i supposed to be by her side ruth" i sighed. "Rob, you already give your best. Now you're here, its time for you to protect her" ruth said and i nooded in agreement.

can you imagine what i feel? when jules called me and said they're in their way to hospital because kristen's contraction. I still at the JFK waiting for my flight when jules called me, I feel shattered because i can not do anything.

When the elevator arrived, we get out and walk quickly toward Kristen's room. I opened the door, and found my kristen laying in her bed, with her mom beside her soothing her to sleep. "rob.." jules calls as she look at me walking closer. "hey jules" she got up and give me a kiss on my cheek. "she's just fall a sleep 20 minutes ago after her doctor gave a her a pain killer injection. The doctor said she's still in early phase. We have to wait for any progression" she explain. "thank you jules, for being here while i cant" "its okay rob, she's my daughter anyway" she chuckle. "yeah you're right" i smile. "have you eat?" i asked jules. "no.. and i think i have to eat now while she's asleep" "of course, i will take care of her".

After that, jules and ruth leave to buy some food. I sat beside her bed and slowly caressing her cheek but not wanting to wake her up. "hey baby.. sorry i'm late. i'm sorry i can not be by your side earlier" i lift up myself and kiss her forehead.


The next 20 minutes, i heard kristen whimpers but she's still asleep. I tried not to panic, but hearing her like that really broke my heart. i'm stroking her upper arm trying to sooth her back to sleep. "it's okay baby. I'm here now" i said then i saw her eyes slowly open. "Rob.." she said. "Yes baby, its me. Im here now. Are you okay? do you wanna me to call the doctor?" i said again. "Rob.. my stomach. Its hurt.." "im calling the nurse now" i said as i press the call button. "the nurse will come in a second. You're gonna be fine love" i kiss her forehead again trying to calm her. "arghh.. its hurt rob. Jesus!" her voice start become shaky. "wait baby, wait. I will call the nurse" i said as i run outside the room to the hallway. "somebody, come please. hello??! My fiancee is hurting. hello?" just right after that 2 nurses run towards me. "i called a few seconds ago! there's no one coming" i spat out of control "we're sorry, we just saw the lights beeping" one of the nurse said as they walked toward kristen.

They lift up kristen dress, to check her dilation. "she's now partially dilated. It's a good sign. I will inform doctor sandy" one of the nurse said and then left the room. The other nurse checking kristen's pulse and make sure her vital is good. "How is she?" "she's doing good sir, we just have to wait and look for her progress. As you heard, she'a now partially dilated. the contraction will come longer and closer each other. We'll know when the time is coming" "is there anything we can do? to make her pain go away? or do something?" i asked again. "yes, ms. stewart could take a warm bath if she want, to relax herself. or take a small walk around the room" she said. "do you want that baby? do you want to take a warm bath??" i asked kristen. "yeah, anything to help me with the pain" kristen said. "Okay, i will prepare the water" the nurse then went to the bathroom.

2 hours later

"okay ms, stewart. i can see it coming now. when i said push then you have to push alright? i will count to three before you can start pushing. just calm down.. everything is gonna be alright. Okay.. on three, one.. two.. three.. push" doctor sandy said giving instruction to kristen. "argghhhh...." kristen start her first pushing. "come on baby.. you can do this. come on" i said as i hold one of kristen hand and stroking her hair. She's gripping my hand really hard. Jules on the other side, do the same thing as i did, whispering a good words for her. "aaghhh.. rob!" "yes baby im here. you're the strongest woman i've ever known. You can do this baby. Just one more push okay??"

"i can see the baby's head, one more push, we're gonna welcoming one of the new member" doctor sandy said smiling. I dont know how this is all happening, but the next minute i hear the baby crying. "congratulation ms. stewart, mr. pattinson. the baby boy came out first" doctor sandy said again as she handed the baby to kristen. "oh my god.. you're so handsome. hi sweetheart, its mommy here" kristen hold our baby boy close to her chest. "hey son.." i said smiling as i stroke his tiny feet. i feel like dreaming to see what i see now in front of me. just like something that is to good to be true.

"ms. stewart, i need to check your vital conditions and be prepare with your second baby. She can come any sooner" "will she be alright?" i asked worried. "yes mr. pattinson. let see in the next few minutes, i think ms. stewart will have another contraction" i nodded at doctor sandy explanation. "you can do this baby.. i can not wait to see our little angel" i smile then kissed kristen forehead. "yeah.. sure" she said as she handed our baby boy to the nurse.


"Here's your babies ms. stewart, mr. pattinson" the nurses gave the babies to kristen one by one. "they're so cute" jules said. "yes they are. and they're my babies" i said smiling widely as i feel a tears slipped out in the corner of my eyes.  Looking at my kristen right now with both of my babies, i cant wish anything better than this. I love them so much. I sat beside kristen which now already move into patient room. "i love you guys so much" i whispered as i kissed kristen on the cheek. "thank you for bringing joy to my life kristen" i added. "its not only me, but you too. you also bringing a joy into my life" she said. "and we all love you daddy.." she said again with a cute voice and make me chuckle. "daddy love you guys more".

look at them!! isn't a twin really cute!!! 😍😍😍😍

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look at them!! isn't a twin really cute!!! 😍😍😍😍

okay, so i know this chapter like jump from one to another timing, but really, i dont know how to describe labour process, and its so difficult for me to describe it. If i made any mistake to describe the baby delivery, well.. im sorry 😅☺️.
But i hope you can still enjoy the whole story 😉.

cant wait to post the next chapter. maybe with kristen pov? 😛😛

xoxo 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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