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MAN is aware that he will die, someday. Other animals, when nearing death, know

they are about to die; but it is not until death is certain that the animal senses his

coming departure from this world. And even then he does not know exactly what is

entailed in dying. It is often pointed out that animals accept death gracefully, without

fear or resistance. This is a beautiful concept, but one that only holds true in cases

where death for the animal is unavoidable.

When an animal is sick or injured he will fight for his life with every ounce of strength

he has left. It is this unshakable will to live that, if man were not so "highly evolved", would

also give him the fighting spirit he needs to stay alive.

It is a well known fact that many people die simply because they give up and just don't care

anymore. This is understandable if the person is very ill, with no apparent chance for

recovery. But this often is not the case. Man has become lazy. He has learned to take the easy

way out. Even suicide has become less repugnant to many people than any number of other

sins. Religion is totally to blame for this.

Death, in most religions, is touted as a great spiritual awakening - one which is prepared for

throughout life. This concept is very appealing to one who has not had a satisfactory life; but

to those who have experienced all the joys life has to offer, there is a great dread attached to

dying. This is as it should be. It is this lust for life which will allow the vital person to live on

after the inevitable death of his fleshly shell.

History shows that men who have given their own lives in pursuit of an ideal have been

deified for their martyrdom. Religionists and political leaders have been very crafty in laying

their plans. By holding the martyr up as a shining example to his fellow men, they eliminate

the common sense reaction that willful self-destruction goes against all animal logic. To the

Satanist, martyrdom and non-personalized heroism is to be associated not with integrity, but

with stupidity. This, of course, does not apply to the situations which involve the safety of a

loved one. But to give one's own life for something as impersonal as a political or religious

issue is the ultimate in masochism.

Life is the one great indulgence; death the one great abstinence. To a person who is satisfied

with his earthly existence, life is like a party; and no one likes to leave a good party. By the

same token, if a person is enjoying himself here on earth he will not so readily give up this

life for the promise of an afterlife about which he knows nothing.

The Eastern mystical beliefs teach humans to discipline themselves against any conscious will

for success so they might dissolve themselves into "Universal Cosmic Awareness" - anything

to avoid good healthy self-satisfaction or honest pride in earthly accomplishments!

It is interesting to note that the areas in which this type of belief flourishes are those where

material gains are not easily obtainable. For this reason the predominant religious belief must

be one which commends its followers for their rejection of material things and their avoidance

of the use of labels which attaches a certain amount of importance to material gains. In this

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