Are we alone ?

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Its 5 oclock and already pitch black great i thought to myself. " ermmmm Amy 6 guys are following us and they have there hoodies up what are we going to do ?" Enya whispered as quite as possible " walk faster and act natural"

Begining to speed walk we slowly turned our heads to see them right behind us "RUN!!" Enya screemed. We began to sprint Enya got away whilst I got pulled back by my hud as a was being punched repeatedly. Jake and Luke herd Enya's screems and ran to help but when they got there it was too late the gang ran away.

Running up to us Jake saw me on the floor and ran to see if i was alright. I lay paralized and could hardly speak my words slur Jake carefully picked me up and told them to call for help. I bled everywhere he began to cry I wanted to comfort him but I couldnt speak.

_**_some time later _**_

I awaken to be in bed in a hospital Jake, Enya and Luke was sat next to me they all were upset and about to cry. Jake had hold of my hand I sit up thier faces astonished Jake politly asked " could you guys leave us for a moment?" Nodding their heads they walked out of the room.
"Ermm I know this is a very personal question but where are your parents?"

Sheding a tear I replied "my mum died when I was born and my dad I have never seen him in my lifetime " He wiped the tear from my brused face and replied slowly "im so sorry you didnt have to tell me I feel terrible" I began to stroke his arm and stutter "d..d...dont"

-**- 4 weeks later -**-

*knock knock* Opening to the door a was Luke and Enya holding hands and Jake stud there holding a gift "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" supised I open the door and let them in. Luke and Enya walk in and Jake wonderd in and kissed me he came in and sat down with the others.

I sat next to him and he brought me in close he started kissing me then asked me "can we go updtairs ?"I replied "sure" he gave me a cheeky smile I told Enya and Luke to make somthing nice while we stay upstairs for a bit......

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